Page 16 - Crazy Boarding Weekend Special Edition
P. 16

My Crazy Weekend                                                        MUHAMMED RISQUA , ZAHRA
                                                                                  The Regent Primary School
          was truly Amazing!                                                                Oduduwa

          My crazy weekend experience was truly amazing. My
          favorite parts were making new friends and partic-
          ipating in different activities such as football, bas-
          ketball, cooking, dancing, morning sports, evening
          sports, and many more amazing activities! I really
          enjoyed all of the sports.

          Another thing I really enjoyed was hanging out with
          my roommates! I was in Room 6 with two people
          from Abuja Prep named Kayla and Ella, and one of
          my friends named Maryam. We also slept at 10:30,
          and I was really happy about that.

          Another fun experience was meeting all the board-
          ers  and  my  buddy,  Barakat.  They  were  really  fun,

          and I really enjoyed hanging out with them. Another
          fun thing was Crazy Nights! I dressed up as a gang-
          ster, and I think I did pretty well! I also performed a
          dance called Mnike with my friends Maryam, Fati-
          ma, and Chimere.

          Sadly, my friend Khadija’s name (who was meant to

          perform with us) didn’t show on the screen. But she
          still enjoyed watching us and was cheering in the
          crowd loudly!

          Even though some people were laughing, it was still
          really fun. I also loved the food, especially the jollof
          rice and fried chicken we had earlier today.

          This experience showed me a wonderful sneak peek

          of what Regent boarding is like.

          I hope I pass the Regent entrance exam and go to

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