P. 45

FROM OUR HEARTS                                                    ords can’t really express how we

                                                                    feel about your Kind Heart Day invite.
                                                                    Seeing our kids happy and the show
 Apprecialtion From Some of The Orphanage         Wof love is mind blowing . GOD bless

 Homes in Attendance                            you and your organization.

                                                 No evil will come near your school in Jesus Amighty
 e want to take a moment to                     name Amen. Heaven has recorded your kind heart..
 express our heartfelt gratitude on
                                                More wins in Jesus Amighty name . We sincerely
 behalf of Destined Children’s
                                                appreciate all the support especially in these hard
 WOrphanage Home for the invitation
 to your Early Years Kind Hearts’ Day. We were truly
 touched by the love and care shown by your   Ark of Refuge
 students and staff, making the day incredibly special    Orphanage
 for our children.

                         n behalf of The Channels Children
 We  deeply  appreciate  the  warmth  and  generosity
                         Center  we  appreciate  your  love
 we received. Your kindness has left a lasting
                         and care towards us.
 impression on all of us, and we eagerly look forward
 Destined Children’s Home  to future opportunities to connect.  May the good lord bless you more

 With love and thanks.  Thank you.


 n behalf of Kafomdi Shelter

 Orphanage, I want to express our                                e are deeply grateful for the invitation
 heartfelt  gratitude  for  inviting  us  to                     to your Early Years Kind Hearts’ Day.
 your Early Years Kind Hearts’ Day. The                          The love and care from your students
 Olove and care shown by your                  Wand staff made the day incredibly
 students and staff made the day incredibly special   special for our children at Destined Children’s
 for our children.                             Orphanage Home.

 We deeply appreciate the warmth and generosity   We truly appreciate the warmth and generosity we
 we received. Your kindness has left a lasting
                                               received. Your kindness has left a lasting impression,
 impression on all of us, and we look forward to future
                                               and we look forward to future opportunities to
 opportunities to connect.
               Christ Bethel
 With love and thanks,
            Orphanage Home                     With love and thanks.
 Kafomdi Shelter
 Mrs. Kafomdi
 Director Of Kafomdi Shelter Orphanage  Orphanage

 THE REGENT SCHOOL                         THE REGENT SCHOOL
                                                  THE REGENT SCHOOL
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