Page 4 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 17
P. 4
From The Principal’s Desk the role of satellite technology in commu- Regent School convey his appreciation to the
nication and its significance to Nigeria’s de- students and staff for attending and engaging
velopment. It was an eye-opening experi- so positively. This remarkable experience rein-
ence that broadened their understanding of forced the importance of civic engagement and
This unique opportunity allowed modern technological advancements. the role of youth in shaping the nation’s future.
them to learn about the executive Educational Visit to the Presidential Villa Ski and Educational Trip to Switzerland
arm of government and its Also, on Tuesday, December 10th, 20 stu- The Ski and Educational Trip to Switzerland was
responsibilities. dents and four staff members participat- a great success! The students had an enrich-
ed in an educational visit to the Presidential ing and enjoyable experience, and we were de-
Villa. This unique opportunity allowed them lighted with how smoothly everything went.
to learn about the executive arm of govern- The group returned safely on Sunday, Decem-
End-of-Term Assembly ment and its responsibilities. Students were ber 15th 2024, as scheduled. We look forward to
On Friday, we held the end-of-term assembly, fascinated by the history and functions of sharing the full report upon resumption.
Philip Reynolds
Principal which was a wonderful opportunity to cele- this prestigious institution, making the trip a
brate our students’ hard work and achieve- truly memorable experience. Glee Competition
Dear Parents and Students, ments. For Year 11, this assembly also encour- The Glee Competition, held on Thursday, De-
aged them as they prepared for their GCSE National Assembly: Summary Report of cember 5th, was a spectacular highlight of the
elcome back to the second half mocks and revision week. It was inspiring to Youth Townhall Meeting term. Featuring categories such as The Whole
of Term 1. I hope you had a rest- see their enthusiasm, confidence, and deter- I am pleased to report on the Youth Townhall House Song, The Solo, and The Group Song, stu-
W ful break and are ready for the mination as they move forward. meeting at the National Assembly complex. dents showcased their immense talent and cre-
exciting activities and learning experienc- Nine Year 10 students from the Regent School ativity. The solo performances, introduced this
es. November brings many opportunities DofE Charity Visit to Kado-Kuchi Village attended, accompanied by myself, Dr Mrs year, were incredibly moving, filled with emotion
for growth, camaraderie, and celebration. On Monday, December 9th, 30 students and Blessing Obot, and Dr Essang Onuntuei, who and raw talent that captivated the audience.
On Friday, November 1st, we’ll hold the 6 staff members visited the neighbouring vil- served as the trip coordinator. This event truly embodied the spirit and passion
Accolades Assembly to honour our out- lage of Kado-Kuchi to distribute food items as that make Regent Secondary School a special
standing students. Afterwards, students part of their Duke of Edinburgh charity initia- Our students actively participated in a Q&A place.
will participate in the Inter-House Volley- tive. This visit allowed students to give back session during the technical session and
ball competition—a thrilling display of skill to the community and learn the importance were honoured to take the floor. The event This term has been filled with remarkable
and teamwork. of compassion and service. The mission was concluded with a group photograph featur- achievements and valuable learning experi-
a resounding success, positively impacting all ing the Speaker of the House of Represen- ences for our students. Our staff’s dedication
As you would expect at Regent, the end of involved. tatives, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, PhD, GCON, and commitment, coupled with our students’
term was packed, and valuable teaching along with his team of delegates, the Regent enthusiasm and hard work, have made it a term
and learning continued right to the end. Humanity Field Trip to Nigerian Communica- School students, and staff. Also in atten- to be proud of. Thank you for your continued
Many events took place in the last week tion Satellite Limited dance were the Minister of Youth Develop- support in making Regent a thriving community
and a half. I’ve highlighted only a few for On Tuesday, December 10th, fifty students and ment and the Senate leader responsible for of learning and growth.
my final Newsletter for this term. ten staff visited the Nigerian Communication Youth and Women Affairs.
Satellite Limited for their humanity field trip. I wish you all a restful holiday season and look
The students gained valuable insights into The Honourable Speaker requested that the forward to welcoming you back in the new term.