Page 3 - AFRD Special Edition
P. 3

Principal’s Desk

         personnel who have lost their lives serving              From the
 Principal’s Address  their country believed that the values and    but it is up to us to

         beliefs enjoyed by Nigerians were being
 Robert Franklin  threatened. They truly believed that              ensure that their

                                                                    dream of peace is
         “Without freedom, there can be no endur-
 Robert Franklin
 ood afternoon everyone and welcome to to-  ing peace and without peace no enduring
 day’s  Remembrance  Day  Assembly.  Today   freedom.”              realised.
 G we are solemnly remembering those peo-
 ple who have given their lives in the service of their   By  remembering  their  service  and  their   I am going to end my speech with a short
 country.  sacrifice,  we  recognize  the  tradition  of         quotation from Heather Robertson on the
         freedom these men and women fought to                   importance of Remembrance:

 The Armed Forces Remembrance Day Celebration   preserve. They believed that their actions
 Today we are   dates back to 1919 when the British Commonwealth   in  the  present  would  make  a  significant   “We must remember. If we do not, the sac-
         difference in the future, but it is up to us to
 member states used the day to mark the end of the
 solemnly   First World War and honour the memory of those   ensure that their dream of peace is real-  rifice of those who gave their lives will be
                                                                 meaningless. They died for us, for their
 who died during the war. It was celebrated on the
 remembering   11th of November every year and still is in many   During times of war, individual acts of her-  homes and families and friends, for a col-
                                                                 lection of traditions they cherished and a
 countries  around  the  world.  However,  at  the  end
 those people who   of the Nigerian Civil War in 1970, Nigeria decided to   oism occur frequently; only a few are ever   future they believed in.  The meaning of

         recorded and  receive  official recognition.
                                                                 their sacrifice rests with our collective na-
 adopt January 15 to commemorate and honour her
 have given their   armed forces and fallen heroes, with an additional   By remembering all who have served, we   tional consciousness; our future is their
         recognize their willingly endured hardships
 emphasis on those living and serving.
 lives in the service   When we think of remembrance, we often go back   and fears, taken upon themselves so that   Thank You
         we could live in peace.
 of their country.  to the First and Second World Wars, where soldiers

 from Nigeria played an important role. Yet there are

 many types of conflict and at the moment the Ni-
 gerian Armed Forces are engaged in a valiant and
 laudable struggle, battling the terrorism of groups
 such as Boko Haram.

 Today though, I would like to reflect on the impor-
 tance of Remembrance.  We often take for granted
 our values and institutions, our freedom to partic-

 ipate in cultural and political events, and our free-
 dom to live under a government of our choice. The

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