Page 3 - The Regent Newsletter Week 11 Term 3 24
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From the Senior

 CONTENT                        Teacher Academics

                                Desk                                                        Akin Alufa

   Dear Parents and Guardians,                                 shown by our students. Whether it is through

                                                               improved study habits, participation in
 03  Headmaster’s Desk  We are delighted to share with you the   extracurricular activities, or displaying
   latest updates from our school’s
                                                               leadership qualities, our students are
   assessment activities this term. At The
   Regent School, we believe in fostering an                   making a positive impact both inside and
                                                               outside the classroom. None of this progress
   environment where every                                     would be possible without the unwavering
 04  The Beauty of Numbers  student can flourish academically and   support of our teachers, staff, and of course,
   personally. With that in mind, we are
                                                               you—the parents and guardians. Your
   thrilled to report on the positive strides our
   students have made in their assessments                     involvement and encouragement play a
                                                               crucial role in the success of our students,
   over this term. From BASE Progress in                       and we
 06  Building Bonds and Knowledge  Reception to NFER, NGRT and GL Progress   thank you for your ongoing partnership.
   Tests in Year 1 to Year 6, the students have

   met or exceeded their expectations.
                                                               As we look ahead to the next academic

   Our students have demonstrated                              session, we remain committed to providing
 14  Octopus Paint Craft  exceptional growth in various subjects,   student can reach their full potential. We will
                                                               a nurturing environment where every
   reflecting their hard work and dedication.
                                                               continue to focus on individualised support,
   Across all year groups, we have seen
   significant improvements in test scores,                    innovative teaching methods, and fostering
   with many students exceeding their own                      a love for learning. We invite you to join us in
                                                               celebrating the progress and achievements
 15  The Regent This Week  theindividual achievements of our   of our students. Your continued support is
   expectations. We are proud to recognise
                                                               invaluable as we work together to create a
   students. Through ongoing assessments
   and personalised learning plans, many                       bright future for every child at The Regent
   students have shown remarkable progress                     School.
 18  Medical Corner  in areas where they previously faced      Thank you very much for your support this

   challenges. This personalised approach
   continues to be a cornerstone of our
   educationalphilosophy by way of                             With warm regards
 22  Nationalities  differentiation and intervention across


   Beyond academic achievements, we
   celebrate the effort and commitment

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