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of 3,788 classes worldwide.)  versity of the People, USA. Ms Elizabeth Balane, Ms Chika, Ms Alice and Mr Innocent have
 •  The Jaguar class will receive a £100 Amazon   all achieved Master’s degrees. Ms Joy has just earned her diploma in Early Childhood Educa-
 voucher, and the Lion class a £50 voucher.
 A Message from   •  4th Place in the world: Wolf Class  tion. Setting an example for children that ‘learning is for life’ is very important so that chil-
     dren see education as a lifelong process.
 MRS. DYER  •  5th Place in the world: Leopard  Life Long Learning
 •  6th Place in the world: Koala.

 HEAD OF SCHOOL     In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, lifelong learning has become increasingly
 It is also essential to mention two of our        essential. Gone are the days when education was primarily perceived as a phase bounded by
 students. Muhammed Arzika came 11th, and   four walls and a diploma. Instead, lifelong learning emphasises the importance of contin-
 Yusuf Aliyu Aboki 16th out of an incredible   uously acquiring knowledge and developing new skills throughout one’s life, transcending
 47,446.   traditional educational milestones.

 Well done to all of our Key Stage 2 children. It
 is essential to us that every child from Year 3 to   Continuing Education: A Lifelong Endeavor
 Year 6 take part in this exciting competition. We   Life is a journey marred by endless exploration, growth, and self-improvement. At its core,

 are competing against schools that only enter   the pursuit of knowledge and the desire for personal development underpin the essence of
 their Year 6 children, enabling them to achieve   lifelong learning. From the moment we take our first breath, the world becomes a classroom
 a higher average score. Look out for us on the   without boundaries, and every experience becomes an opportunity to learn and grow. Life-
 TTRS Instagram and Twitter pages.   long learning encourages individuals to maintain a curious mindset, seeking knowledge from
 Our Early Years children held their own Maths   formal educational institutions and their daily interactions, experiences, and challenges.

 Day to avoid being left out to celebrate Interna-
 tional Maths Day.    Leading by Example: The Power of  Lifelong Learning in Shaping Future Genera-

 Dear Parents,   Still to come this term:   Parents, educators, and society are crucial in nurturing and developing young minds. By em-
     bracing the philosophy of lifelong learning, adults can model the importance of continuous
 We have been swamped at Abuja Prep with   •  Thursday 21st March – Early Years produc-  growth and inspire younger generations to emulate their dedication to self-improvement.

 exams, Maths days and our Rest of the World   tion – ‘Journey through colour, rhymes and   When children witness their role models actively engaging in learning activities, whether pur-
 Rocks competition.    big dreams’  suing a new hobby, enrolling in professional courses, or reading extensively, they are likelier
 We are incredibly proud to say that continu-  •  Monday 25th March – Reports out  to foster a lifelong love for learning. The cycle of knowledge and personal development thus

 ing Abuja Prep’s outstanding achievement in   •  Tuesday 26th/ Wednesday 27th – Parent   perpetuates, guiding future generations towards a brighter, more enlightened future.
 the Rest of The World Rocks competition last   Teacher conferences.
 year, we have again had an incredible result.    •  Thursday, 28th March – Last Day of the   Pursuing Advanced Degrees: Mastering the Art of  Intellectual Expansion
    term.  While pursuing knowledge through lifelong learning can be experienced in various forms,
 This year, for the Rest of The World Rocks      pursuing advanced degrees, such as a Master’s or PhD, represents a pinnacle of intellectu-

 Competition 2024, we achieved:   Staff  Achievement   al expansion. These degrees offer specialised knowledge and challenge individuals to delve
 I was very privileged this weekend to visit   deeper into a specific field of study. Furthermore, pursuing advanced degrees fosters critical

 •  Whole School (out of 388 schools world-  Buckingham University in the UK for my grad-  thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to approach complex problems with a disciplined

 wide)  uation. I have just completed an MA in Educa-  mindset. The benefits of obtaining advanced degrees extend beyond personal growth, of-
 •  1st Place for the total score   tion leadership and was fortunate enough to be   ten translating into increased employability, expanded career opportunities, and professional
 •  4th Place for an average score Individual  able to attend my graduation in person. Among   advancement.
 •  Classes (out of 3,788 worldwide.)  our staff, many of our teachers have also stud-  As an academic institution Abuja Prep is committed to setting the best example for our chil-
 •  1st place class in the world: Jaguar Class   ied to a Masters level. Ms Juliet Goje, who was   dren.

 (out of 3,788 classes worldwide.)  studying for hers at the same time as me, was   Have a great week, everyone.
 •  3rd place class in the world: Lion class (out   awarded her MEd last month from The Uni-  Dominique Dyer.

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