Page 3 - Messy Day 2024
P. 3

From The HOD’s Desk


                                                          This term and moving

                                                             forward, we will be

                                                         focusing on improving

                                                                 our attendance.

               Mrs Stella
 RICE PLAY   Dear Parents,                                   Slime Play. It was such a messy day

                                                             that many teachers from other

 SHAVING FOAM BATH  The Early Years Department knows         departments joined in the fun.

   how crucial Sensory play is to early

 WATER PLAY  childhood development. It contributes           The importance of sensory play for
                                                             early childhood development is
   to language development, cognitive

   growth, fine and gross motor skills,                      recognised by the Early Years

   problem-solving abilities, and social                     Department. It supports social

   interaction.                                              interaction, linguistic development,
                                                             cognitive development, fine and gross

   The students had the opportunity to                       motor skills, and problem-solving

   engage in safe and adult-supervised                       aptitude.

   sensory play activities like:

   Sand Play, Water Play                                     Many teachers from other departments

   Finger/Handprint Fabric Art, Sponge                       joined in the fun because it was such a

   painting, Rainbow spaghetti and rice                      ‘Messy Day’.

   play, Shaving foam Bath                                   .

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