Page 3 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 37
P. 3

Con     Editorial Desk

           From the

 tent                         fortunate they were to be doing such

                                I could not help but wonder at how

                                   presentations at their tender age

                        hile I was still a student at the univer-      The  French  Day  this  year  came  with  a
 03                     sity, I was fortunate enough to have           bouquet of exciting features which I do

 From The Editorial Desk  W attended a few inaugural lectures          press. The pictures and articles will give
                                                                       not have the proper language skill to ex-
             delivered by erudite doctors and professors. It
 04          fired  my  enthusiasm  to  situate  myself  in  ac-       you a good feel of how it was on the day.
 From The Principal’s Desk  ademia.  I  imagined  myself  delving  into  virgin   Are you a lover of drama? Then I advise

             areas of research, writing eruditic papers and
 06          presenting the same to the delight of my au-              you to flip the pages of this newsletter to

 Academic Research Presentation  dience  and  better  still,  affecting  lives  with  my   enjoy the events of the Drama presen-
                                                                       tations that ushered us in the Half Term
             presentation. All this is still in incubation for now.
 12                                                                    Break
 French Day                    However,  some  Year  10  stu-          I guess I understood as soon as I saw
                               dents have beaten me to it this
 14                            year again when they present-           the words ‘pubertal acne’ but what still

 Drama Day                     ed  their  academic  research           baffles me is the fact that some people

                               papers  to  the  assembly  of  the
                                                                       have  acne  long  into  adulthood.  Why?
 18                            whole school before the Mid             Well,  maybe  that  would  be  answered
 Alumni Corner                 Term  Break.  While  I  sat  there      another  time.  The  Medical  Corner  this

 20                            in  the  hall  listening  to  them,  I   week teaches how to manage pubertal
                               was  filled  with  admiration  and
                                                                       acne. I guess you would gain one or two
 Medical Corner                I could not help but wonder             ideas from it when you read.
 22                            at how fortunate they were to           Please, get your gadget, recline on your

                               be doing such presentations
 Calendar                      at their tender age. Anyways,           favourite seat and enjoy the contents of
 24                            what they did and how they felt         this week’s edition of The Regent Digest.

 Nationalities                 when you see their articles and
                               is  something for you to find out

                               videos in this edition.

   Valentine Thomas | Editor

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