Page 21 - Newsletter Week 7 Term 2
P. 21


                                 Checkma               te Champions
                                 Checkmate Champions
 Dear teachers, students, and parents,

 I was so happy when I heard that I will become the new sport

 prefect, I was so overwhealmed that I even lost my appetite for   On Saturday 10th February 2024, four of our students, El-Nathan Kwaji, John
        Ode, Hridaan Nimje and Corban Kwaji represented our school in a Chess
 the whole day.
    Competition organised by Abuja Schools Association (ASA) and hosted by The
 To my fellow students, your support means the world to me.   Regent School. 11 schools participated in the competition and our

 Let’s continue to work together to make our sports community   students emerged as champions with an unbeatable record. Out of the 12

 even stronger. Thank you to our teachers and staff for guiding   games played, our formidable team secured 11 wins and 1 draw.

 us and helping us grow, both in the classroom and on the field.  Their dedication, strategic prowess and unwavering determination have truly
                                                  made us proud.
 A big shoutout to our coaches for their dedication and

 encouragement. You inspire us to do our best.

 And to our parents, thank you for always cheering us on and

 believing in us. As sports prefect, I promise to promote

 teamwork, fairness, and good sportsmanship. Let’s make The

 Regent Primary School proud together. Thank you for this

 opportunity. Let’s have a great year ahead!

       EL-NATHAN KWAJI            HRIDAAN MAHESH NIMJE              CORBAN KWAJI                     JOHN ODE
          YEAR 6C                        YEAR 4S                        YEAR 4S                       YEAR 5A

 THE REGENT SCHOOL  20                      THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                     21
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