Page 4 - Lower Primary NL wk 6
P. 4

From The Headmaster’s Desk                                                                                                  From The Headmaster’s Desk

                                                           areas of the brain at once, fostering better                         Ultimately, incorporating  hands-on  activities
                                                           retention and application of knowledge. This                         that align with what children are learning in
                                                           type  of active learning brings lessons to  life,                    the classroom empowers students to become
                                                           helping students see the real-world relevance                        active participants in their own education. It
                                                           of what they’re studying.                                            builds  confidence,  encourages  curiosity,  and
                                                                                                                                lays the groundwork for lifelong learning. By

                                                           For example, if students are learning about                          making learning tangible and interactive, we
                                                           geometry in Maths, creating models with blocks                       ensure that students not only understand key
                                                           or other materials helps them visualise shapes,                      concepts but also develop a love for discovery
                                                           angles, and dimensions. In Science, conducting                       and exploration.
                                                           simple experiments, such as mixing different
                                                           substances to learn about chemical reactions,                        This week’s newsletter highlights and showcases
                                                           allows students to observe concepts in action.                       how teachers at The Regent School use their
                                                           These tangible experiences deepen their                              own creativity and expertise to bring learning

                                                           understanding by moving abstract ideas into                          to life through hands on learning. I hope as
                                                           concrete, experiential knowledge.                                    you flick through the pages of this edition you
                Shaun Stockden                                                                                                  get  a  taste  of  the  learning  and  can  share  in
                     Headmaster                            In addition, hands-on learning activities                            the enjoyment our students experience during

                                                           promote critical thinking and problem-solving                        their learning. Finally, I thank you all for a hugely
                                                           skills. As students interact with materials, they                    successful  first  half  term  and  wish  you  all  a
      Dear Parents,                                        often encounter challenges that require them                         happy and relaxing holdiay. I know I speak for

                                                           to  think  creatively  and  collaboratively  to  find                all of our staff when I say that we look forward
                                                           solutions. This process  of  trial and error  leads                  to welcoming you back on Monday 28th
             ne of the most effective ways to                                                                                   October.
                                                           to a more profound mastery of content, as
             help children understand and
                                                           students are encouraged to ask questions, test
    Oretain  key concepts is through
                                                           their hypothesis, and reflect on outcomes.
    hands-on activities that are directly tied
    to their learning. These activities provide
                                                           Hands-on activities are also highly inclusive, as
    students with the opportunity to actively
                                                           they cater to different learning styles and abilities.
    engage with the material, deepening their
                                                           Kinesthetic  learners,  in  particular,  benefit  from
    understanding while making learning more
                                                           movement and physical involvement in lessons.
    enjoyable and memorable.
                                                           Furthermore,       these     activities    can      be
                                                           differentiated, allowing teachers to adjust the
    Research consistently shows that when
                                                           complexity of tasks to suit individual student’s
    children use their hands and senses in
                                                           needs, thus supporting every learner.
    learning,  their  brains  sprocess  information
    more effectively. Unlike passive learning
    methods, such as lectures or reading,

    hands-on activities engage multiple

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