P. 8


      As The Session Draws To A Close...

      Our  students  have  worked  very
      hard  since  the  start  of  the

      2023/2024  academic  session.
      They  have  kept  a  remarkable

      momentum  but  also  maintained
      a  commendable  consistency  in

      completing      their    work     and
      keeping deadlines. We are very

      proud      of    them      all    and

      appreciative       too    of     their
      hardworking       and     supportive


      As  part  of  activities  leading  up
      to  the  end  of  the  session,  the

      students  are  rounding  off  their
      mandatory  community  service.

      Completing         the     specified
      community  service  hours  is  a

      requisite  for  graduation  and
      eventual award of diplomas.

      The  experience  also  helps  to

      integrate       the     vision      of

      leadership,  care,  and  change
      creation      in   the     students’

      learning.  We  wish  them  all  a
      successful and impactful end to

      their community service.
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