Page 6 - Cornice_Grade 3
P. 6

Some poems

                    Onomatopoeia Poem
                                                                                we learned to

                                                                                  write in class

                                                                         Acrostic Poem

                                                                         Welcome to our library
                                                                         Enjoy the books
                                                                         Let the story take you
                                                                         Come with me to fairytale land
                                                                         Open the gate to fairytale land
                                                                         Mythical land awaits us
                                                                         Enjoy the tour.

                                                                         - Trigyesh Malla

                                                       We play
                          Stomp, Stomp my friend comes to my house,
                                            Tip, tip we play chess.
                                          Tick, tick goes the clock.
                                 It's time for my mom to come home,
                                   Suddenly the car goes beep, beep
                                   My mom comes walking tap, tap
                                      She rings the bell ding, dong.
                               Thump, thump I run towards the door.
                                 My friend wins and shouts hooray!
                               My other friend comes with his cycle,
                                     The cycle bell goes tring, tring.

                                              - Prithvy Raj Subedi
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