Page 8 - Digital Cornice Grade 10
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Hidden between skyscrapers and black fashion tents and newly married to a man,
limousines is the story of New York's elites. Harrold was busy filing cases in France.
Just across the Brooklyn Bridge, lived a There was truly only one person Blair could
ruthless blogger named Gossip Girl waiting count on. The woman who was beside Blair
to reveal their secrets to the world. The when she took her first step to the day she
upper east side was straight out of a took her steps down the aisle. Her nanny,
Fitzgerald novel. A modern 'Great Gatsby'. Dorota. “Miss perfectionist”, “Queen B”
Gossip, secrets and lies were all coated were just some of the names she was called
within opulent wealth. Being born into the by. There were more people that envied her
upper east side, wealth was a birthright that than ones that loved her. She was who
one in a million had - a privilege you would everyone feared but secretly, wanted to be.
not even earn in your wildest dreams. The Charles Bass- Better known as “Chuck” was
membership to this club was of such high born as the son of Bart Bass, New York's
class, that you could not even buy your way sensation and billionaire. Chuck's life
into it. Summer in the Hamptons, Sunday seemed like man's dream, but taking a closer
brunches and cocktail Fridays; this was the look, it was misery plated in 24 carat gold.
new normal to the awfully rich residents of Whilst a normal 5 year old would receive
the upper east side. toys for Christmas, Chuck would receive
Blair Cornelia Waldorf- The daughter of thousand dollar checks. By the age of 13,
fashion sensation Eleanor Waldorf and New every bartender in New York knew his drink
York’s most wanted lawyer, Harrold. Raised of choice. “One scotch on the rocks” he
between penthouses in New York and would demand. The bartender would ask
fashion shows in Paris by her nanny Dorota, “show me your ID” and the billionaire's son
Blair knew more designer brands than letters would reply “I'm Chuck Bass”.
in the alphabet. If Chanel had a new bag Nate Archibald. Maternally born into the
coming out, you'd see it on Blair before on Vandirbilt family, and paternally born into a
the models in runway shows. Blair was her family of problems. The second Nate had
school’s most prestigious student and central entered this world in the Vanderbilt wing of
park’s princess. However, divorcee Eleanor a hospital, he had secured a spot in Yale as it
Waldorf spent most of her time inside was half-owned by the Vanderbilts
fashion themselves