Page 6 - Cornice_Grade 4
P. 6
Grade IV students learnt to write the different styles
of Poetry in the Writers’ Workshop classes. Here are
some of the interesting poems that they created:
Acrostic Poem – Rato Bangala
A-Aspiring Person
Rain Storm T-Talented and Educated
O-Obedient to Elders
The rain storm water splashed and B-Beautiful Inside Out
splashed A-A Global Competitor
the lightning swift and strong, N-Noticed by Everyone
The second day little Stacy G-Game Changer
Slid down the slippery slide A-A Kind Hearted Person
SPLASH! L-Leaders in Their Heart
Straight into a puddle A-A Rato Bangala student is all of the
Little Stacy shrieked and screamed above
“I’m so soaked and soggy.”
Stacy’s startled mom shouted - Nidhi Pant
“Oh, no!” “What happened Sweetie?”
She shivered and stuttered and said “
I’m cold.”
Stacy’s mom cleaned her up and said,
“Next time, don’t slide down the slip-
pery slide.”
“Don’t be sad, it’s not that bad.”
- Spriha Shrestha