Page 3 - Gi_August2021
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                   OUR CONTRIBUTORS                                          EDITOR’S LETTER

                           SARAH KIMPTON                                                        ACHIEVING NET
                           Vice President, Energy Transition & Innovation                       ZERO carbon
                           Development, Energy Systems at DNV                                   emissions by 2050
                           Sarah has worked in the gas industry for 30 years and initially      will inevitably mean
                   joined British Gas at London Research Station to study the physical          decarbonising UK
                   properties of natural gas. Now working at DNV in Loughborough, Sarah         industry – one of the
                   continues to work on gas quality with a particular focus on achieving net    largest challenges we
                   zero by conversion of the gas networks to hydrogen. This includes the        face on the path to
                   role of carbon capture and storage and the continued use of low carbon       reaching this goal.
                   gases such as biomethane. She has a BSc and PhD in chemistry from              To do this, we will
                   University College London.                               need a range of energy solutions to ensure UK
                                                                            businesses can remain competitive while also
                   IAN PALMER                                               meeting the obligations of a low carbon future.
                           Petroleum engineer and consultant                  Hydrogen will likely play a role in that future,
                           Ian Palmer PhD has worked at Los Alamos, The Department of   notably as a way to help those hard-to-decarbonise
                           Energy,  BP, and Higgs-Palmer Technologies. He is a contributor   areas of the UK economy including manufacturing,
                           at and the author of The Shale Controversy.   transport and even possibly aviation and shipping.
                                                                              In this edition, we’re taking a look at the part
                                                                            hydrogen could play and also the technologies
                   YOUR LETTERS                                             that will be necessary to support a thriving
                                                                            hydrogen economy, namely carbon capture
                                                                            utilisation and storage.
                   JUST A FEW THOUGHTS          grid thermal capacity was     In addition, this Gi is packed with the latest
                   regarding the hydrogen rollout in   more or less doubled due    news from across the institution, including our
                   the coming years. I was involved   to conversion.        AGM, our Safety Conference and the Gas
                   in gas production from a variety     The flame speed of hydrogen is   Industry Awards. You’ll also get to meet our new
                   of fuels back in the early 1960s. I   the highest of all the gases –   President, our new CEO and our new cohort of
                   did much work to improve the   approximately 10m/s.      Section Chairs.
                   Shell process installation at Grain   With the above in mind, surely   We hope you enjoy the August edition,
                   and then with ICI reforming at   the change will involve huge
                   Greenwich. Essentially, we were   investment in additional grid
                   producing a hydrogen-rich gas at   pipelines and local distribution
                   pressure, enriched with LPG or   piping to achieve a stable supply
                   refinery gas to create town gas   position? In addition, I would
                   (before the nationwide     expect a requirement for      SHARON BAKER-HALLAM
                   conversion to natural gas).   considerable additional powered   EDITOR
                    There are three main features   compressors to carry the load.  BA (HONS) AIGEM
                   I recall about the performance of   Michael Tidd CEng MIGEM  INSTITUTION OF GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS (IGEM)
                   hydrogen as a fuel:
                      Hydrogen has a volumetric   Editor’s response:
                    heating value of around 30 per   While conversion to 100 per cent   SEE YOUR WORK IN Gas international
                    cent of that of natural gas, so to   hydrogen in the grid is some way
                    get the same energy though the   off yet, the work to examine the    We are always seeking to share the latest
                    national gas grid there will be a   use of hydrogen at scale is already   research and ground-breaking industry
                    volume increase of three times   very much underway. To read the   developments in IGEM’s journal. If you would
                    if the system is maintained at   latest research into these issues   like to see your work featured in the pages of
                    today’s pressures.        and many more, visit our        Gi, contact the Editor by emailing sharon@
                      The main advantage of natural   Hydrogen Knowledge Centre at with a short synopsis of your
                    gas over town gas was that the   contribution.

                    It’s time
                      for a new

                                                                                            LIVE NOW!


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