Page 20 - Gi_November2021
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A powerful collaboration of industry leaders has set out more than 660,000 jobs.
With industry accounting for around
the government action needed to supercharge the green a quarter of CO₂ emissions in the UK,
industrial revolution and level up the country the manifesto puts forward a series
of policy asks to government that will
s the UK gears up to unite the transition. Unveiled by Andy Carter accelerate industrial decarbonisation
world at COP26 and agree more MP at an event at the University of and drive clean growth.
ambitious plans for tackling Chester’s Thornton Science Park, the Andy Carter, MP for Warrington
climate change, Net Zero manifesto details how the North West South, said: “Our region blazed a trail
A North West has launched a could become the UK’s first net zero with the first industrial revolution and
manifesto to help keep the country on region by 2040, turbocharge the UK our stock as pioneers is just as high
course for reaching net zero by 2050 economy by £285 billion gross value today. From offshore wind, nuclear
and maximising the benefits of the added (GVA) and safeguard or create and hydrogen, to carbon capture,
14/10/2021 14:32
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HydrogenManifesto.indd 1