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industry & Government news


                 INTO GAS NETWORK ‘A SUCCESS’

                                                                                             HYDEPLOY CAN NOW MOVE TO THE NEXT PHASE

                 HYDROGEN CAN BE SAFELY blended   demonstrated that the hydrogen blend   their willingness to take part in this
                 into a domestic gas supply, a study into   is suitable for use with domestic   trial. HyDeploy is a ground-breaking
                 the first UK trial of the concept has   appliances as well as larger commercial   collaboration and has demonstrated
                 concluded, reports Utility Week.  appliances including catering   very clearly that consumers can safely
                   The report into the HyDeploy project,   equipment and boilers up to 600kW.  receive up to 20 per cent hydrogen
                 which injected hydrogen into a private   The use of the hydrogen blend led   blended with natural gas, without the
                 gas network serving 100 homes and 30   to no overheating of components or   need to make any changes to their
                 faculty buildings at Keele University, says   potential degradation of the gas cookers   existing appliances.”
                 the blending project has been successful.  involved in the trial.   The project’s backers claim that
                   Under the HyDeploy project, a    And laboratory tests showed that   achieving a 20 per cent hydrogen blend
                 collaboration between Northern Gas   the domestic appliances tested were   in the gas network could save around
                 Networks (NGN) and Cadent, 20 per   capable of operating safely on hydrogen   six million tonnes of carbon dioxide
                 cent of the gas piped into the private   concentrations of up to 28.4 per cent.  emissions every year, which would be
                 network was hydrogen.              In addition, all the pipework and   the equivalent of taking 2.5 million cars
                   The project, according to the study,   appliances were as leak tight with the   off the road.
                 is the first time that hydrogen has been   hydrogen blend as with natural gas.  Mark Horsley, Chief Executive at
                 injected into a UK domestic gas grid since   The fires retained the characteristic   NGN, said: “The results delivered by the
                 1976, when town gas was phased out.  flame colour of gas, albeit marginally   Keele project gave the Health and Safety
                   Carrying out the trial marked the   more subdued, and the project has led   Executive the confidence to approve
                 first time that the Health and Safety   to the development and field testing of   the first blending of hydrogen with
                 Executive had granted regulatory   a prototype detector by one of the major   natural gas on the public gas network.
                 approval to operate a live gas network   gas detection manufacturers.  We’re delighted that our customers in
                 above the current hydrogen limit of 0.1   The study says the evidence base   Winlaton are now using their gas as
                 per cent by volume stipulated in the   gathered at Keele paves the way for   normal while playing a vital role in the
                 Gas Safety (Management) Regulations.  the next phase of the project, which   decarbonisation of the gas network.
                   The trial delivered more than 42,000   involves the blending of hydrogen into   “This next phase of HyDeploy will
                 cubic metres of ‘green’ hydrogen,   a public gas network near Gateshead   provide more vital evidence about
                 manufactured using electrolysers,   serving 685 homes.            the possibilities of blending hydrogen
                 which the study says abated over 27   Cadent Chief Executive Steve   into the gas network across the UK,
                 tonnes of CO₂ emission.          Fraser said: “I would like to thank   as an important stepping-stone to
                   The report says the project    the customers at Keele University for   decarbonising heat.”


                                                                                                                  14/10/2021   15:12
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