Page 6 - Gi February 2022
P. 6

industry & Government news


                                                                                          MINISTERS ARE CALLING FOR A PUNITIVE WINDFALL TAX



                 OIL AND GAS companies operating   a “cash machine” because of the   “We acknowledge we will pay more tax,
                 in the UK’s North Sea are expected to   increasing cost of energy.  we want that to happen, and we want those
                 report “near record” income in 2021 and   The Wood Mackenzie analysis will   monies to go where they’re most needed.
                 2022 as the price of energy skyrockets.  add to the growing pressure on the   “But by disturbing the investment
                   Wood Mackenzie analysis says that   government to announce a windfall tax   cycle, we’re just suddenly going to make
                 UK oil and gas operators are projected   on oil and gas companies and to use   it more difficult to win investments
                 to record around $17 billion in cash   that money to help ease the burden   in the UK, (and) provide secure
                 flow for last year, and approximately   on ordinary people, which the Liberal   gas supplies at a point where we
                 $18 billion this year.           Democrats have called for too.   desperately need them.”
                   Such amounts were last seen in the   But an industry representative   Sky News has previously reported
                 boom years before the 2008 financial   from Oil and Gas UK rejected the idea,   that oil and gas companies operating in
                 crash, reports Sky News.         arguing that ordinary tax payments will   the North Sea currently benefit from a
                   Combined with the aggressive cost-  increase anyway and that a punitive   favourable tax environment including
                 cutting measures during Covid-19,   windfall tax would potentially make it   large rebates for decommissioning rigs and
                 these cash flows are also predicted to   more difficult for the industry to invest   generous capital expenditure allowances –
                 lead to near record profits.     in the transition to renewables.  changes that happened in 2014 under the
                   Europe’s biggest oil and gas group   Director of Sustainability Mike   then Chancellor George Osborne.
                 Shell announced soaring profits in the   Tholen said: “In doing so you (would)   As a result, many of the companies
                 fourth quarter of the year because of   really disturb investments in the UK,   have paid negative tax in recent years,
                 high gas prices.                 make us less competitive, drive jobs,   leading to the UK being viewed as one
                   And BP boss Bernard Looney     energy and security of supply out of the   of the most profitable countries in the
                 recently described his company as   UK and that really is in no-one’s benefit.  world for big oil and gas projects.


                                                                                                                  27/01/2022   11:48
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