Page 6 - Gi_November2021
P. 6

industry & Government news

                   DIGEST                                                            FAMILIES IN LESS

                                                                                     ENERGY EFFICIENT

                                                                                     HOMES TAKE HIT

                                                                                     OF GAS PRICE HIKE

                 SURGE IN UK WHOLESALE                                               FAMILIES THAT LIVE in more
                                                                                     poorly insulated housing are
                                                                                     suffering the most from the global
                 GAS PRICES FUELS WINTER                                             gas price increases, according to
                                                                                     Energy Live News.
                                                                                      A new report from the Energy
                                                                                     and Climate Intelligence Unit
                 ENERGY CRISIS FEARS                                                 (ECIU) has revealed that these
                                                                                     households are paying up to the
                                                                                     equivalent of £246 more on their
                                                                                     annual gas bills.
                                                                                      It states that those in homes that
                                                                                     fall under Energy Performance
                                                                                     Certificate (EPC) band D, which
                                                                                     is 37 per cent of UK homes, are
                                                                                     paying a quarter more annually for
                                                                                     gas use than those in band C.
                                                                                      The study does shine light on
                                                                                     the fact this would be as much
                                                                                     as 50 per cent more if not for
                                                                                     the energy efficiency measures
                                                                                     already installed.
                                                                    GAS CONSUMERS HAVE BEEN   However, the ECIU claims
                                                                  WARNED TO EXPECT HIGHER BILLS  government support for the sector
                                                                                     has fallen off drastically in recent
                 WHOLESALE GAS PRICES have reached   has enough gas to avoid the lights going   years, with a 95 per cent drop in
                 new all-time highs, stoking concern that   out or a 1970s-style three-day working   installations since 2012 – leaving
                 a cold winter could deepen a crisis that   week, analysts warned low temperatures   already struggling households with
                 has led to the collapse of multiple energy   could exacerbate the crisis.  even higher heating bills.
                 suppliers and raised fears of factory   “If the winter is colder than normal,   The 250 per cent rise in gas
                 shutdowns and soaring bills.     natural gas supplies could run even   prices since January has led to
                   The cost of coal and carbon emissions   shorter, leaving Europeans and possibly   families in bands E and F paying on
                 permits also hit record levels in   other countries, especially those that   average £197 and £246 more than
                 September, while crude oil exceeded $80 a   can barely afford current energy prices,   band C homes.
                 barrel for the first time in three years, amid   in the cold,” said analysts at SP Angel.
                 a widening global energy supply crisis.  Their counterparts at Refinitiv
                   The situation in the UK, where   warned that even warmer than expected
                 market prices have quadrupled in the   temperatures “might not be enough” to
                 past year, is particularly acute, reports   bring down prices. “We conclude that
                 The Guardian.                    additional supply is a key driver for
                   Europe-wide price rises have been   prices to soften this winter,” they said.
                 compounded by the UK’s unusually low   A group of European politicians wrote
                 gas storage capacity, as well as outages   to the European Commission calling
                 in the electricity system, including a fire   for an investigation into whether the
                 at a key power import cable, leading to   Russian state gas company Gazprom
                 increased reliance on gas power plants.  was acting deliberately to stem the flow
                   Consumers have been warned to   of gas into Europe.
                 expect higher bills and more household   They expressed fears that Russia was
                 energy supplier failures, while heavy   wielding its regional gas supremacy to
                 industry and the food and drink sector   ramp up pressure to approve the Nord
                 are facing the prospect of shutdowns   Stream 2 pipeline, which has been
                 and pre-Christmas product shortages.  subject to sanctions and is awaiting
                   The “winter gas season”, when   multiple regulatory approvals.
                 heating demand is usually higher, starts   A Kremlin spokesperson denied
                 on 1 October and there are predictions   Russia was using gas as a weapon      POORER PEOPLE ARE LESS LIKELY TO
                 of a colder than average winter.  against Europe and said Gazprom was           HAVE AN ENERGY EFFICIENT HOME
                   While ministers have insisted the UK   ready to boost supplies to Europe.


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