Page 62 - 2021 SoMJ Vol 74 No 2
P. 62

50                              The Society of Malaŵi Journal

                                      Book Note

           Thompson, David. NYASALAND: The British Colonial Record to 1939. Illus.
           Upfront  Publishing.  2021. 696pp.  ISBN  978-178456-708-8.  £30.00;  $43.45;
           €34.99.   Also available as an e-book ISBN 978-191501-204-3 at £8.99.

           This book may be purchased direct from the author:

           This history of British colonial rule in Nyasaland, now Malawi, from 1891 up to
           the  outbreak  of  the  Second  World  War,  is  based  on  extensive  research  in
           government  archives  as  well  as  information  obtained  from  newspapers  and
           missionary letters. It briefly tracks how the territory came under British rule and
           then focuses, in more detail than previous studies, on how Whitehall treated this
           highly individual but easily neglected territory and how this fitted into the broader
           British African context. At the local level there is also closer examination, both
           critical  and  sympathetic,  of  the  personalities  and  performances  of  successive
           Governors  and  their  administrative  staff  in  relation  to  economic,  social  and
           security  policy,  within  cripplingly  small  budgets.  The  activities  of  the  small
           European  commercial,  planting  and  missionary  community  are  also  closely
           followed for their political influence and contribution to the colonial economy.
           Although the small Indian community had little political voice, its position as a
           regular petty commercial element in the country is also considered. Crucially, this
           history incorporates the political, social and economic impact of colonialism on
           the African population, including the shock of the First World War.
           David Thompson is an amateur historian whose career at GCHQ spanned 38
           years,  with  a  late  year  attachment  to  the  Ministry  of  Defence.  He  lives  in
           Cheltenham with his wife Vera.
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