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               Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and Good Day to all of you,

               We  are  pleased  to  inform  that  Department  of  Wildlife  and  National  Parks
               (PERHILITAN) has published the latest issue of Journal of Wildlife and Parks
               (JWP), Volume 36 (2021). First of all,   would like to congratulate and applaud all

               the authors, contributors, Management and Editorial Board for their continuous
               support making this JWP Vol 36 relevant and significant for publication.

               This issue contains eight (8) articles; consisting of six (6) full research papers,
               and two (2) short communications. The very first article for this volume discusses
               on  the  current  population  status  of  Sumatran  rhinoceros  in  Taman  Negara
               National Park, Peninsular Malaysia and possible causes of its extinct in the wild.
               The second article described on a statistic of Malayan tapir roadkill in Peninsular
               Malaysia from 2006 to 2019. The third article is a case report on trypanosomes
               infestation in Malayan tiger and its treatment by DWNP veterinary’s team. The
               diversity  of  bat  species  (chiroptera)  at  selected  Central  Forest  Spine  (CFS)
               Ecological Corridors in Peninsular Malaysia were highlighted in one article. The
               other  article  described  the  morphology  and  habitat  distribution  of  all  voucher
               specimens  of  large  flying  fox  (Pteropus  vampyrus)  and  island  flying  fox
               (Pteropus  hypomelanus)  in  the  collection  of  Institute  for  Medical  Research,
               Malaysia. An article on the ecological important of small pteropodid bats as seed
               and pollen dispersal in Malaysian lowland forests is also discussed.

               This  issue  also  included  a  short  article  describing  first  captive  born  Sunda
               pangolin (Manis  javanica) in Malaysia. In addition, an article on camera trap
               record  of  siamang  (Symphalangus  syndactylus)  venture  to  the  ground  is  also

               Articles in JWP can be freely downloaded at
               .php/ms/penerbitan/103-jurnal  and  are  listed  in  MyJurnal  of  the  Malaysian
               Citation       Center       (
               view.php?id=434)    and    Google    Scholar   (
               citations?hl=en&user= Zxk99hYAAAJ). I hope this volume will add to the ever-
               increasing knowledge of wildlife sciences and protected areas in general. Thank

               Khairul Nizam Kamaruddin
               Journal of Wildlife and Parks,
               Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia (PERHILITAN).
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