Page 32 - Laporan Tahunan PERHILITAN 2020
P. 32

Syarifuddin bin Othman  Pegawai Hidupan Liar,  Bahagian         28-07-2020
                                               Gred G41               Konservasi Hidupan

                          Suhaidi bin Sulong   Pembantu Hidupan       Pejabat             30-11-2020
                                               Liar, Gred G22 (TBK 2)  PERHILITAN

                      7   Norzamri bin Omar    Pembantu Hidupan       Pejabat             01-12-2020
                                               Liar, Gred G26 (TBK 2)  PERHILITAN

                     Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
                     Excellent Service Award

                     Seramai 106 orang kakitangan daripada pelbagai kategori jawatan telah dipilih sebagai Penerima
                     Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (APC) 2019. Majlis penganugerahan APC 2019 tidak dilaksanakan
                     berikutan penularan wabak pendemik COVID-19 yang melanda negara. Senarai penerima seperti di
                     Lampiran B.
                     A total of 106 personnel from various categories of posts were selected as the recipient of Excellent
                     Service Award (APC) 2019. The APC 2019 award ceremony was not implemented due to the spread of
                     the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the country. Lists of recipients as per Appendix B.

                     Pelantikan Pegawai Baru
                     New Officers Appointment

                     Seramai 67 orang pegawai baru melapor diri di Jabatan PERHILITAN tahun 2020 seperti di Lampiran C.
                     A total of 67 officers reported for duty at the Department of Wildlife and National Parks for Year 2020
                     as Appendix C.

              26   LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2020
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