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Tips For Your Doctor Visit
Your doctor doctor visit is is your your your time to to to to to talk to to to to to your your your doctor doctor and ask questions about your your your your health Here are are some tips to to to to to help you you you you you take a a a a a a a a a a more active role in your your care Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions
• Don’t be embarrassed to ask questions It may help you to write down all of your questions or or concerns before you you see your doctor • Ask a a trusted family member or friend to be your support support person Your support support person can help you ask questions take notes and remember any instructions • If you you don’t understand what your doctor is saying don’t be afraid to to ask your doctor to to explain again • Ask for someone who speaks your preferred language if you you are having di culty • If you you have a a a diagnosis be sure you you understand your condition the
plan of treatment medications and any lifestyle changes you may need to make Keep Your Doctor Informed
• Tell your your doctor about all of your your prescription and over-the-counter medicines vitamins and herbal supplements how much you take and how o o en • Tell your doctor about any pain or other symptoms you are experiencing how long you’ve had them and about any changes in your appetite sleep or energy level Educate Yourself
• Learn about your condition from
library support groups and on trusted websites A good place to start is nlm nih gov or medlineplus Know What’s Next
• Be sure you you know if you you need to schedule a follow-up visit or tests • If your doctor has ordered tests be sure you you understand why you you need the
test what it
will reveal how to prepare and what to expect during the
test • If your doctor refers you you to to a a specialist be sure you understand what kind
of specialist and why your doctor has referred you • If your doctor has prescribed new medication don’t leave until you understand what you are taking how to take it
and if you should avoid alcohol or certain foods while on on the
new medication • Be sure you understand any new dietary or physical activity restrictions that relate to your care Courtesy of e e Joint Commission
Prepare For Surgery
To put your mind at ease and to avoid medical mistakes make sure you you you your your Support Person and your your surgical sta con rm the
• Your name and the
type of surgery you are having • If you have a a a a mediport pacemaker insulin pump or or other device • Your surgical team has marked the
correct body part to be operated on on and your surgeon knows you you are the
right right person receiving the
right right right surgery on on the
right right part PATIENT SAFETY
Choose Your Support Person Person or or Personal Representative
Your support person is a a friend or or or family member that you you you choose to support you you you during your hospital stay in in in the
following ways:
• Helps you you keep track of questions for your doctor about medicines procedures or treatments • Keeps an an eye on on on you you for changes in your your condition and asks for help on on on your your behalf Be sure to to tell your care team whom you’ve chosen to to be your support person What is an Advocate?
Your Advocate along with your Clinical Service Team members work to to meet your your needs and exceed your your expectations to to receive exceptional care and service Your advocate answers questions on on your behalf about what to expect during your stay in the
hospital Do You Have Questions
Concerns or Compliments?
If you have questions concerns compliments and/or suggestions you you may contact your Advocate by calling extension 2810 Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4 pm After hours the
nursing supervisor can be reached by dialing extension 4124 Also submit comments by selecting the
FEEDBACK option on on your GetWellNetwork Home page!

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