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How Bad Is Your Pain On This Scale?
0 – No Hurt
2 – Hurts Little Bit
4 – Hurts Little More
6 – Hurts Even More
8 – Hurts Whole Lot
10 – Hurts Worst ©1983 Wong-Baker FACES® Foundation. Used with permission.
Your Pain Level
Your pain level is an important factor in your recovery. It is vital that you acknowledge your pain. When describing your pain, be sure to tell your healthcare team:
• How long you’ve been feeling pain.
• Where you feel pain.
• What kind of pain— dull, aching, throbbing, sharp, stabbing, burning or tingling.
• Ifyourpainisconstantorifitcomes and goes.
• If there is anything that makes your pain feel better or worse.
• How much, if any, relief you are getting from your medicine.
• Ifyourmedicinegivesyoureliefand for how long?
Be honest about your pain. Talk to your healthcare team about managing your pain with treatment options.
Tell Your Doctor Or Nurse About Your Pain
Controlling It Can Help You:
• Stay comfortable while you heal
• Get well faster
• Return to your daily routine
• Reduce anxiety and stress
• Improve your sleep
• Reduce your risk of medical
• Decrease your risk of
chronic pain
Make sure you and
your visitors are washing your hands at these important times!
• Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water.
• Keeping hands clean is one
of the most important ways we can keep from spreading
germs to others.
Your Hands Can Spread Germs! Be sure to wash your hands...

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