Page 36 - 07_LiryDram
P. 36

Matka Ziemia. Totemiczny słup o wysokości 16 stóp przedstawia Matkę Ziemię w odniesieniu do świata wodnego. Pokazuje to wiele śladów ludzkiego wpływu na środowisko i współczesną społeczność. Twarz Matki Ziemi jest poorana bliznami a jej pierś podziurawiona. Jej postać otaczają lokalne gatunki flory i fauny.
Zarówno rzeźba Matki Ziemi, jak i Żaba, wykonane są z drzewa dębowego (Burr Oak) z mocnymi i licznymi żłobieniami.
sculptures? What projects have you al- ready done? And where can we find them? We have been working together for about 12 years. We mainly work with timber main- ly English Oak. Some metal, mosaic, ceram- ic and installation pieces. I have 35 pieces of public art in my name. At least another 35 pieces in collaborative work. Ben and Ray have many more, Andy Ish and Baz are close behind. They are spread all over the country with many in East Anglia. Many in Lee Valley moving North from London, Little Ouse Valley (west from central East Anglia). Many in Schools in Norfolk and Suffolk.
What project are you working on now? And where?
Right now I am working on a series of fine art abstract forms looking at the inherent beauty and imperfection of elderly broken trees. The project is called Inside Wood and will be shown in the Kaetsu Centre, Hunt- ingdon Road, Cambridge in July this year. This is part of the Cambridge Open Studi- os. Alternatively the sculptures can be seen at our studios in Coney Weston. And more pieces for the River Lee.
What are your art plans for the future?
I'd like to move forward with my illustra- tions of men inherent connection with na- ture and the vital part it plays in our long term well being. Along with how art be- comes a pathway and gateway to an wak- ening human consciousness.
What is your biggest dream about your art work?
That the human race will realise that you cant eat money.
34 LiryDram kwiecień-czerwiec 2015

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