P. 4

A HEALTHCARE POWER OF ATTORNEY is a document that is

      activated when you are unable to make or communicate decisions

      regarding your health care. In this document, you will name a person,

      such as a family member or caregiver, whom you would like to make
      decisions regarding your health care if you are unable to do so. They

      become your healthcare proxy. It's important to inform your

      healthcare proxy of your medical wishes, as they will be making those

      decisions if you are unable to.

      A living will is a document outlining your choices regarding end-of-
      life treatment. Like a healthcare power of attorney, a living will only

      comes into play when you are still alive but unable to communicate

      decisions regarding your health care.

       Questions to consider when creating a living will:
            What kind of medications are OK or not OK to administer to you?

            Do you want a feeding tube if you are unable to eat?

            Do you want to be on life support? If so, for how long?
            Do you want a DNR (do not resuscitate) order?

            Do you want to be an organ donor?

            Would you like palliative care at the end of life?

        T h e s e   a r e   h a r d

        q u e s t i o n s   t o   t h i n k

        a b o u t ,   b u t   c r e a t i n g   a
         l i v i n g   w i l l   m a y   s a v e

        y o u r   l o v e d   o n e s   f r o m

        h a v i n g   t o   m a k e   t o u g h
        d e c i s i o n s   r e g a r d i n g

        y o u r   m e d i c a l   c a r e .
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