Page 6 - Rightsizing Guide 2024
P. 6

Imagine buying your new home

      with NO monthly mortgage

      payment required

       Are you 62 or better?  Discover the safe, government-insured Home Equity
       Conversion Mortgage (HECM).  This allows the use of the loan proceeds

       and your down payment to buy your new, primary home within a single

       transaction.  This innovative product allows you to use the equity from the
       sale of your current home, or money from your savings, to fund the

       purchase of your new home with no monthly mortgage payment!

       This program allows you to:

            Rightsize  for more affordable living
            Rightsize to a more expensive home with no monthly mortgage


            Move to a senior community
            Move closer to loved ones

            Buy or sell a condo

       Enjoy the following benefits:

            No monthly mortgage payment
            Non-recourse loan - if you owner more than the home is worth when

            the loan comes due, a FHA managed insurance fund will cover the

            difference.  If the home is worth more, all remaining equity belongs to
            you or your heirs

            FHA insured loan - your home and loan are safe
            Potentially supplement your income

            Minimal credit and income requirements

            You retain the title on the home as long as loan terms are met
            Fixed rate and adjustable rate options are available

       To learn more about the HECM program, contact Mary for local referrals
       who specialize in this type of loan program.
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