Page 3 - Lake Rules rev11-13-23
P. 3


             “Heritage Lake”          Heritage Lake is a private, 320-acre lake located west of Indianapolis,

                                     just off Rockville Road/SR 36. It is located in the community of Heritage
                                     Lake, managed by the Heritage Lake Property Owners Association

             “Heritage Lake
             Common Property”  “Common Properties” shall mean and refer to those areas of land
                                     shown on any recorded subdivision plat of The Properties and intended
                                     to be devoted to the common use and enjoyment of the owners of The
                                     Properties  as  defined  in  the  Heritage  Lake  Restrictive  Covenant

                                     Definitions, Article 1.

             “Rules” or
             “Heritage Lake POA Rules”       Rules and or regulations defined and published by the Heritage
                                     Lake  Property  Owners  association  under  authority  of  the  By-  Laws
                                     Article X Section 1.

             “Lake Season”           The period of Watercraft Registration in effect from April 1 to March
                                     31 of each year.

             “Lake Privileges”       The rights of the Owner to easement of enjoyment as defined in the
                                     Restrictive Covenants Article IV Section 1.

             “HLPOA” or “POA”  Means Heritage Lake Property Owner’s Association

             “Board”                 Means the Board of Directors of the Heritage Lake Property Owners

             “Idle Speed”            Means the slowest speed to maintain steerage, whereby the wake or

             or “No Wake”             wash created is minimal and not to exceed 5 miles per hour.

             “Intoxicated”            Means under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance
                                     and/or combination thereof such that there is an impaired condition of
                                     thought and/or action, and the loss of  normal control of a person’s

                                     faculties to such an extent as to endanger any persons or property.

             “Main Body of the Lake” Means the area south of the mouths of the East and
                                     North Forks and in the middle of the Lake.

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