Page 110 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 110

  7.5 Information about Employees
As of 31 December 2023, the Company had employees (only employees receiving a fixed salary rate) totaling 49 people, who can be divided by major departments as follows:
Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
Number of male employees
No. of female employees
No. of Full-Time Employees (persons)
Board of Directors
Engineering and Project Management Division
Operations & Maintenance Division
Business Development Division
Central Office Administration and Human Resources Legal, Governance and Corporate Affairs Department Accounting Division
Finance Department
2 1 3
- 4 4
2 3 5
7 2 9
1 1 2
8 6 14
1 1 2
1 6 7
1 2 3
  In 2023, the total remuneration of employees consisted and contributions to the provident fund amounting to a total of
of salaries and bonuses totaling 34,444,611.02 baht -baht
As of 31 December 2023, the Company had no significant labor disputes with negative impact on the Company.
Provident Fund
The Company has also established a provident fund. In order to create guarantees for employees within the company. Employees can choose to pay cumulative funds at the initial rate of 3% and up to 15% of employee salary from the date of entry into the work.
Providing Appropriate Benefits to Employees with Other Support
The Company also provides welfare and facilities in addition to those required by law. The objective is to promote the quality of life and increase the future security of employees, such as contributions to the Social Security Fund and provident fund of employees, annual health check-ups. Health and bio-insurance for employees, and scholarships for families of employees with children of school age from kindergarten to higher education, scholarships for employees’ children with good grades and conduct, and a Long Service Award.
Fair Remuneration
The Company gives priority to the Company’s employees at all levels without ethnic, religious or gender discrimination. All employees have equal rights and treatment with entitlement to benefits in accordance with their positions of duty without discrimination.

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