Page 22 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 22

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    E. Finding Products and Providing Services
The Company primarily focuses on quality of energy systems that’s provided services for customers. The Company designs and analyzes energy use to suit customer needs by sending engineer teams to conduct detailed surveys and designs in the step of project proposal and emphasize quality of selected products according to standards for each piece of specified equipment.
1) ServiceQuality
The Company provides engineering services for customers by using customer data in assessment, analyzing
energy use and presenting appropriate guidelines for using technology to make corrections and improvements to customers’ energy conservation. The Company has engineer teams managing projects, controlling construction and installing energy systems to prevent effects or damage to customer property. In addition, the Company has teams of engineers who maintain energy systems to function normally after energy is distributed into customers’ systems.
2) QualityPersonnel
The Company places importance on personnel quality. The Company provides training for employees to
increase knowledge and skills to suit the work of each role by providing training inside and outside the organization along with preparing annual training plans. The Company’s personnel are required to have comprehensive knowledge and abilities in addition to having more knowledge directly from their responsibilities to have overall knowledge and understanding of operations. In addition, the Company has a policy to offer returns and benefits that enable the Company to compete with other companies to motivate employees who have knowledge and capabilities to work with the Company for a long time.
3) GoodCustomerRelations
The Company focuses on building good relationships with customers and target group customers from the service level to the operating level to assure customers that customers will receive good service with follow-ups of customer satisfaction in order to make improvements and build the customer base for future businesses.
F. Main Assets for Business Operation
The main assets for the operation of renewable energy power plant business include machinery and equipment for power plants, land, buildings, and building renovation parts of the power plant as disclosed in Annex 4.
2) Liquefied Petroleum Product Distribution and Transportation Business
A. Business Operation Information
1. TheLiquefiedPetroleumGas(LPG)DistributionandTransportationBusiness
The gas distribution business is operated by Biggas Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary licensed as an oil
trader pursuant to Article 7 of the Fuel Trade Act of B.E. 2543 (2000) in the category of liquefied petroleum gas. Distribution takes place under the trademark to customers of three sectors consisting of the industrial sector, the automobile sector and the household and commercial sector. The transportation business is operated by BGT Logistics Co., Ltd.

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