Page 60 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
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Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    Conducting Corporate Carbon Footprint (CFO)
The company has engaged Nex Power Group Limited as a consultant to prepare its carbon footprint report, including greenhouse gas emission certification. Although Nex Power Group Limited is not registered with the greenhouse gas management organization, it is internationally recognized for its expertise and achievements. Based on their extensive experience and past performance, the company has selected them for this important task. Summary of completed CFOs to date:
CFO 2022:
Khao Yoi Solar Power Plant, Phetchaburi Province
Ban Kaeng Solar Power Plant, Sa Kaeo Province
In 2023, the company completed and received third-party verification of the 2022 CFO for the Khao Yoi Solar
Power Plant, Phetchaburi Province, and the Ban Kaeng Solar Power Plant, Sa Kaeo Province. The verifier, ECEE Company Limited, is registered with Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization). The results are summarized as follows:
Summary of Greenhouse Gas Emission Sources
The main sources or activities generating greenhouse gases from the operations of the two power plants are:
Direct emissions (Scope 1) including diesel use for transportation, refrigerant R32 leaks, methane generation from septic tanks, CO2 fire extinguishers.
Indirect emissions from energy use (Scope 2) including electricity use from transmission lines (PEA). Other indirect emissions (Scope 3) including diesel procurement, electricity procurement for the project. Activities resulting in significant greenhouse gas emissions are electricity use from transmission lines (PEA)
and electricity procurement for the project.
Summary of 2022 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Khao Yoi Solar Power Plant, Phetchaburi Provirce
      Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Total (Scope 1+2)
1 ton of CO2. 7 ton of CO2. 2 ton of CO2. 8 ton of CO2.
 Ban Kaeng Solar Power Plant, Sa Kaeo Provirce
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Total (Scope 1+2)
2 ton of CO2. 18 ton of CO2. 4 ton of CO2. 20 ton of CO2.

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