Page 68 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 68

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
Cashflows received (spent) in operating activities.
Cashflows received (spent) in investing activities.
Cashflows received (spent) in financing activities.
Cash and cash items classified as non-current assets held for sale
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year
Cash and cash equivalents classified as assets held for sale at the beginning of the period.
(Unit : million baht)
(20.2) 23.2
Cashflow from Various Activities
  (310.1) 28.2
(0.8) (0.4) 80.8 142.5
10.5 0.8
   Net increase (decrease) in cash
    Cash and cash equivalents at year end
 In 2023, the Group had cash balance as of December 31, 2023, amounting to 92 million baht, with a net decrease of 50.5 million baht due to the Group’s expenditure on net cash flow from investment activities, totaling 102.4 million baht. The main reason for the expenditure was a loan provided by the Group to a joint venture, namely Thai Pipeline Network Company Limited, in the amount of 149.58 million baht. However, the Group had net cash flow from financing activities of 28.2 million baht which was mainly attributed to the issuance of bonds in the amount of 788 million baht at the beginning of the year to repay existing bonds and some short-term debt from banks.

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