Page 84 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 84

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    The Company has no policy to limit shareholder rights in learning the Company’s information. For example, the Company does not hand out documents containing additional significant information suddenly and the Company does not add other agenda items not specified in meeting invitations or change any key information without notifying shareholders in advance and the Company does not limit attendance rights of shareholders who arrived late at meetings, etc.
The Company informed the meeting of voting rules and methods or rules for expressing opinions during the meeting before beginning the meeting along with presenting remuneration and criteria for each director position clearly such as regular remuneration, meeting gratuities and annual remuneration for shareholders to consider and approval annually.
At meetings, the Company allows shareholders to vote to elect directors individually by nominating directors for shareholders to vote on each director.
The minutes to the annual general meeting of 2023 were recorded accurately and completely for shareholders to check. Records were made concerning notification of voting and vote counting methods along with the list of directors and positions of directors in attendance at Shareholders’ Meetings including questions and responses to and from shareholders or expressions of opinion and counts of votes received on each agenda item. The Company discloses minutes to meetings via the Company’s website within 14 days from the shareholder meeting date.
Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors complies with the Corporate Governance Code of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD), the Corporate Governance Policy and business ethics including international criteria in order to be consistent with criteria such as the ASEAN CG Scorecard, etc. The Company was assessed by the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR) in 2023 and the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) reported the Company’s results were at the “Good” level for the fourth consecutive year.
The Company received 95 points in quality assessment results from the Annual General Meeting Checklist of 2023 from the Thai Investors Association.
The Company disseminates the Company’s Corporate Governance Policy, business ethics, the anti-corruption and anti-bribery policy, the policy on reporting clues, wrongdoing and corruption and the sustainability management policy in the Company’s website for the Company’s directors, executives and employees in every group to acknowledge and adhere to as work guidelines.
Since 2023, the Company held paperless meetings of the Board of Directors, sub-committees and at internal meetings by using information technology to cover every dimension ranging from presentation of meeting documents, meeting records and records made by meeting attendees, etc.
The Company discloses quarterly and annual financial information and other significant information in an accurate, sufficient and timely manner. Financial statements are reviewed or audited by certified public accountants for validity according to generally-accepted accounting standards according to standard regulations and guidelines.

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