Page 85 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 85

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
    The Company discloses the annual report form (the 56-1 One Report) within three months from the end of the fiscal year via channels such as the websites of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Company’s website to provide information for shareholders and others involved.
The Company arranges for reports showing the Board of Directors’ responsibility for financial reports to be shown with the certified public accountant’s report in the annual report with content supporting practices consistent with accounting principles and financial reporting with accurate and complete information according to accounting standards. The aforementioned reports are signed by the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer.
The Board of Directors supports use of information technology to disseminate information.
The Company recognizes the importance of disclosure of information to investors in order to provide shareholders with accurate, complete, clear and transparent information.
In 2023, the Company held the following activities to present information directly and indirectly:
1. Opportunity Day Activities -
2. Shareholder Visits to the Company -
3. Issuance of Documents and News on Performance 4
4. Investor Relations Activities to Provide Information
and Respond to Investors’ Questions
     Activities in 2020
No. of Times per Year
      When receiving a question
  Furthermore, the Board of Directors, recognizes and places importance on the rights of every stakeholder group connected to the Company including internal stakeholders such as shareholders, employees and outside stakeholders such as customers, trade partners, competitors, creditors and communities where the Company is located. The Company laid down the following guidelines concerning all stakeholders
The Company has a corporate governance policy and guidelines concerning shareholder rights and equitable treatment of shareholders. In addition, the Company specifies consistent business ethics and presents information to shareholders in an accurate, complete, transparent, timely and equitable manner.
The Company places importance on the Company’s employees at every level without religious, ethnic or gender discrimination. Every employee has equal rights and is treated equally. In addition, the Company specifies fair employment conditions for employees and has policies and guidelines concerning suitable employee remuneration and welfare by providing employees with short term and long-term remuneration such as salaries and appropriate bonus payments based on employee performance and the Company’s performance. Moreover, the Company established the Provident Fund to provide guarantees for employees in the Company in addition to supporting and

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