Page 87 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 87

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
The Company uses international level quality management systems such as ISO 9001 UICC to create maximum satisfaction among customers. The Company emphasizes and places importance on product quality and standards, punctual delivery and strict maintenance of customers’ confidential information without unlawful disclosure or use. In addition, the Company prepares contact channels for customers to make recommendations, praise or report complaints in order to ensure that business with the Company will not conflict with standards adhered to by customers. The Company also hires external agencies to assess operations standards according to customer standards.
Trade Partners
The Company’s trade partners mean and include investors in some of the Company’s businesses in addition to parties to purchase, sale and hiring contracts. The Company has always recognized legal rights and investment agreement rights by adhering to the principles of honesty, equality and the right to receive benefits from investments.
The Company has a policy to comply with conditions, agreements and obligations made with creditors to repay debts on schedule, use suitable financial services for the Company’s business, provide and maintain collateral and other specified conditions such as reporting accurate financial information of the Company to creditors for benefits in loan analyses, maintaining debt and capital ratios, etc. In the Company’s operations, the Company builds trust among creditors through ethical management and openly provides news and information to create understanding about the Company via annual reports, the 56-1 report and the Company’s financial status through financial statements properly prepared and certified according to generally-accepted standards. In addition, the Company specifies practices in business ethics to be consistent.
The Company has a policy to support free and fair trade competition and specifies business ethics requiring personnel to not operate the Company’s business by destroying or obstructing competitors with illegal meals or by using any illegal means to obtain competitors’ information. In practice, competitors in the industry are members of the same association as the Company, which meets and shares information regularly. Therefore, the Company was not shown to have treated competitors unfairly.
The Company supports the Company’s stakeholders to become involved in organizing activities or community and social development. The Company supports activities aimed at improving quality of life and reinforcing benefits in communities and societies where the Company operates a business. Moreover, the Company teaches and supports employees and those involved to have a duty and responsibility to create benefits for communities and society while allowing communities and stakeholders in every group to participate in the Company’s activities or projects along with expressing opinions and providing opinions or making complaints about problems caused by the Company’s operations.

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