Page 46 - Racing To Excellence-3(Soft Back)
P. 46

President's Message - Inauguration Thanksresident's Message - Inauguration Thanks

         Because of the efforts you made, BSU was able to showcase

         to  the  larger  community  the  marvelous  quality  academic

         programs,  outstanding  student  talents  and  knowledge,  and

         the caring and concern staff and administrators have for our

         university. Because of you, all of our visitors to the campus

         were  able  to  see  and  feel  Bowie  State  University’s


         View an online gallery from the installation ceremony.

         On behalf of my family and friends who shared in the special

         occasion, I extend my deepest appreciation for the way you

         welcomed  them  into  our  campus  community.  Everyone

         commented  on  the  depth  and  sincerity  of  your  passion  and

         pride for our BSU.

         A  special  thanks  to  the  Inauguration  Committee  for  the

         creative,  engaging,  and  meaningful  programs  that  were

         implemented throughout the week.

         Also,  thank  you  for  the  support  you  have  shown  for  my

         leadership  as  your  president;  and  for  your  tireless  efforts  to

         bring about a successful weeklong celebration of this special

         time  in  our  history.  I  was  so  touched  by  the  outpouring  of

         warm sentiments throughout the week.

                                President's Message - Inauguration Thanksresident's Message - Inauguration Thanks
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