Page 16 - The Entrepreneur Code
P. 16


               Habit 10: They don’t allow setbacks to keep them

               down for long

               Even when things happen that make it more difficult to reach their

               goals, they don’t get thwarted for long. Successful entrepreneurs

               know that failing is part of the journey and when they have a

               setback they just think of a way around it and then continue on

               their journey. Setbacks can knock some people down and they

               never get back up, but that’s not the case with the world’s most

               successful people.

               Habit 11: They never give up on their dream

               Another thing that can sometimes happen when a journey is

               difficult is wanting to give up on the dream. For millions of people

               who do not realize that they really could reach their goals if they

               put in the work, the dream is just that. But for these

               entrepreneurs, they never give up, no matter how hard things get.

               They just keep plugging away until they eventually achieve their


               Habit 12: They do things that others won’t

               You will also notice that successful people will do things that

               others won’t do. For example, if someone has a dream of creating

               a video game, they may not be willing to spend ten years reading
               every book on programming and living on almost nothing while

               they work towards that dream. Most people don’t have that kind of

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