Page 24 - The Entrepreneur Code
P. 24


               One of the areas of her life that she began to look closely at

               during this period of her life was spirituality. She discovered an

               interest in the vegan lifestyle and in yoga. In 2011, she began to

               practice transcendental meditation. This quest to find spirituality is

               something that a surprisingly large number of entrepreneurs

               share. Some of them believe in God or are involved in a specific

               religion, while others have different spiritual beliefs that span

               everything from ancient Buddhism to New Age.

               If you feel like you don’t have time for spirituality in your life, you

               may want to reconsider. There must be a reason that so many of

               these entrepreneurs have made it a priority. Let’s take a look at

               five spiritual habits of successful people.

               Habit 22: They spend time in contemplation

               One of the things that successful people do is spend a great deal

               of time in introspective contemplation. They think about what they

               can change to make their goals a reality. They consider all of the

               options. They rarely leap before they look. Spirituality is one of the

               best ways that someone can get to know themselves better.

               Habit 23: They give money to worthy causes

               You will also notice that these people are extremely generous

               when it comes to worthy causes. Whether that is feeding the

               homeless, or just paying the tithing that their church teaches on,

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