Page 2 - Niyi Ogunwuyi Farewell Program
P. 2


           1)    Opening Prayer

           2)    Welcome Address

           3)    Hymn 1 – Great is thy Faithfulness

           4)    Hymn 2 – On Christ The Solid Rock

           5)    1st Scripture Reading: 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18

           6)    Hymn 3 – There’s not  a friend like the lowly Jesus

           7)    Testimony

           8)    Hymn 4 – It is Well

           9)    Video Tribute

           10)    2nd Scripture Reading: 1st Corinthians 15:51-57

           11)    Special Rendition

           12)    Message

           13)    Hymn 5- What a friend we have in Jesus

           14)    Closing Remark

           15)    Announcement

           16)    Closing Prayers

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