Page 2 - Mattress Educational Series Part -3
P. 2
Baby Mattress Pads The arrival of a
newborn baby is a joyous occasion for
any family. However, shopping for
one’s new bundle of joy can be a
tedious task especially with a whole
load of products ooding the market.
While most parents put in a lot of
consideration into the purchase of
baby mattresses not much thought is
paid to buying baby mattress pads.
Baby mattress pads are used over a
baby’s mattress for many reasons.
Firstly, baby mattress pads provide Unconventional uses of baby mattress
warmth for the extra layer over the
mattress traps air and is a form of pads include as a play mat, as a
changing pad or under a baby during
breast feeding. Baby mattress pads
may also be used by older children
Secondly the use of baby mattress who bed wet or by adults who require
pads protects the mattress from dust. waterproof protection. Hence, opting
And thirdly baby mattress pads give for baby mattress pads that are light
one’s baby a softer sleeping surface. is also useful for one can use the
Baby mattress pads can also be used mattress pads for a multitude of
on the family bed to provide extra purposes.
protection for your child.
When purchasing baby mattress pads,
it is important to buy one that is not
too puffy and one that ts snugly
around a baby’s mattress. Also opt for
one that comes with straps or a
wraparound skirt to ensure that the
baby mattress pad does not move