Page 5 - The Digital Marketing Lifestyle
P. 5

So, you keep pushing and keep working, meaning you end up working all hours, all

               without making much headway. And meaning that you don’t actually get to go out and

               enjoy the cash you have earned. And it’s not like you can grab drinks with your

               colleagues after work…

               Chapter 2: Switching Gears: Doing Something You Love

               There are plenty of posts around the net on how to make money online, but they never

               describe how it can go ‘wrong’ this way.

               So, every now and then, it's worth taking a look at yourself and asking whether you are

               really doing what you should be doing. Do you actually enjoy the work you do on a day-

               to-day basis? Do you find it rewarding? Or have you lost sight of that in favor of

               repetitive work that you can be sure will pay the rent?

               Are you dispassionately selling products that you don’t care about? Were you nodding

               along when I described the ‘digital marketing’ guru sitting in their front room with their

               hair a mess and their face wired?

               As with any type of work, it's worth taking the occasional step back to think about what

               you're doing, and to see if you couldn't be having more fun doing another kind of work.

               Let's take a look at how to do work on line that will prove to be truly rewarding and fun.

               Because like they say, if you love what you do, then you will never work a day in your

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