Page 114 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 114

FUNLAND RESORT ATTRACTIONS F3   Big Bonne Bay Pond, Route 430 (L8)
         Swimming  pool, waterslide, fully-
         licenced restaurant/takeout, liquor store,   JACKLADDER SNOWMOBILE TOURS FT
                                         Offering full- or half-day tours. See the
         convenience store, guided tours in winter.   Tablelands, Western Brook Gorge, and
         10 self-contained cottages, 83 full-service   Lomond Sinkhole via groomed trails or deep
         sites. Home of Cormack Poutinerie! Season:   backcountry powder. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31
         Jan 1–Dec 31  Loc: 34 Veterans Drive  T:   Loc: Route 430 T: (709) 635 5000 / 689 9438
         (709) 635 7227 E: W:   E: W: $$: See $$: Varies. CC: Debit, MC,   website. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
         V, e-Transfer.
                                         Wiltondale, Route 430 (L8)
         Tours to Western Brook Gorge, Lewis Hills, and   FRONTIER COTTAGES
         Gregories. Can provide tour guide references.   SNOWMOBILE TOURS
         Packaged meals and accommodations   Guided snowmobile tours, extreme to
         available. Cap: 8 Season: Dec 1–Apr 30 Loc:   moderate. View fjords and Tablelands in Gros
         34 Veterans Drive T: (709) 635 7227 E: v_eddy@  Morne. Fully-equipped cottages. Regular W: $$: 124.99-  and supreme gas. Convenience store and
         169.99. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.  Liquor Express. Season: Dec 1–Apr 1 Loc:
                                         Route 430 T: (709) 453 7266 TF: (800) 668
         THE SETTLEMENT NL FI            2520 E: W:
         Looking for fresh, locally grown produce $$: Guide fee $250 daily.
         for your stay? Our Roadside Honesty Farm   Max 6 machines. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
         Market is the perfect place to find local,
         organic, and sustainably harvested farm   Route 430 (I8-L7)
         goods.  Season: Jun 1–Sep 20  Loc: 186
         Veterans Drive T: (709) 215 4166 / 4100 E:   GROS MORNE NATIONAL PARK CC: Debit,   OF CANADA FTYI48
                                         Gros Morne has received world-wide
                                         recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
         SIR RICHARD SQUIRES MEMORIAL    for its geological wonders and awe-inspiring
         PROVINCIAL PARK                 natural beauty. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc:
         Named in honour of Sir Richard Squires, the   Gros Morne National Park, Route 430 T: (709)
         Prime Minister of Newfoundland from 1919–  458 2417 E: W:
         1923 and 1928–1932. Big Falls Trail A short   grosmorne $$: National park pass required.
         walk from the day-use parking lot brings you   See website. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
         to Big Falls where, in July and August, you can   Lomond, Route 431 (K7)
         see salmon try to jump up the salmon ladder
         to get to pools further upstream to spawn.   LOMOND RIVER TRAIL–PARKS CANADA
         Season: Late May–Early Sep Loc: Route 422 T:   GROS MORNE NATIONAL PARK FTYI48
         (709) 636 1509 Off-Season T: (709) 637 2040 E:   This moderate, 8-km return trail features views W: CC: Debit, MC, V.  of Lomond River, forest, fens, and wildflowers,
                                         including stunning orchids. Season: Jan 1–
         UPPER HUMBER SETTLEMENT TOURS    Dec 31 Loc: Route 431 T: (709) 458 2417 E:
         & EXPERIENCES FI4      W:
         Welcome to Upper Humber  Settlement,   $$: National Park pass required. See website.
         the perfect place to connect with the   CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
         land through hiking or snowshoeing and
         experience a new level of culinary culture   STANLEYVILLE TRAIL–PARKS CANADA
         in Newfoundland. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31   GROS MORNE NATIONAL PARK FTYI48
         Loc: 186 Veterans Drive T: (709) 215 4166   Nature and history meet on this 4-km return
         / 4100 E: info@upperhumbersettlement.  trail starting in Lomond Campground. Follow
         ca  W:  BL:   a historic path through boreal forest to the $$: $60–  shore of Paynes Cove and the abandoned
         $649. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.  community of Stanleyville. Season: Jan 1–
                                         Dec 31 Loc: Route 431 T: (709) 458 2417 E:
                                         $$: National Park pass required. See website.
                                         CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.

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