Page 121 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 121

SKIN BOOT CHURCH 57             Route 437 (A14)
        St. Barnabas Anglican Church was started
        on July 23, 1920. Because of the many pairs   PISTOLET BAY PROVINCIAL PARK
                                        The  park  encompasses  897  hectares  of
        of skin boots sold for church building funds,   delightfully varied vegetation. Season: Early     Western
        it is known as the Skin Boot Church. Season:   Jun–Mid Sep Loc: Route 437, 12 km from Route
        Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 16 Cross Street T: (709) 456   430 T: (709) 454 7570 Off-Season T: (709) 637
        2124 E: W:   2040 E: W: $$: See
                                        website. CC: Debit, MC, V.
        WHITE ROCK WALKING TRAIL        Raleigh, Route 437 (A13)
        Peer into clefts eroded deep in the limestone
        pavement and discover plants growing   BURNT CAPE ECOLOGICAL RESERVE
        in shady rock gardens.  Season: Jun 1–  Unique and rare flora along a coastline with
        Dec 31 Loc: Route 430 T: (709) 456 2124   fantastic limestone karst topography. One
        E:  W:   of the only known locations for the Burnt           Cape Cinquefoil. Unserviced reserve. Vehicles
                                        must remain on main road. Season: Jan 1–  Attractions & Adventures
                         Western Brook Pond  Dec 31 Loc: Turn left at end of Raleigh Spur
                                        Road. T: (709) 637 4066 E: naturalareas@gov.
                               W: $$: Free.
                                        Researchers require a permit, see website.
                                        BURNT CAPE TOURS
                                        Experience Burnt Cape Ecological Reserve,
                                        sea coves, and whale watching. Traditional
                                        Newfoundland  lunch  included.  Cap:  18
                                        Season: Jun 1–Sept 30 Loc: 4 Main Street
                                        T: (709) 452 3521 / 2144  Off-Season T:
                                        (709) 454 5336 E: W:
                               $$: $50–$89. CC: Debit,
                                        MC, V, e-Transfer.
                                        RALEIGH TRADITIONAL FISHING VILLAGE F
                                        Guided tours with hands on experience. An
        Sandy Cove, Route 430 (C11)     education into the basic backbone of our
                                        culture and heritage. Living as our forefathers,
        SANDY COVE ECOLOGICAL RESERVE   you’ll get to partake in every aspect of the
        Protects a small endangered plant, Long’s   early fishery. Season: Jun 15–Sep 30 Loc:
        Braya, which is found nowhere else on Earth   Main Street T: (709) 452 2455 / 454 1157 E:
        except for a few limestone barrens locations $$: Please
        along the Northern Peninsula coast. Season:   call. CC: e-Transfer.
        Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Sandy Cove Ecological
        Reserve T: (709) 637 4066 E: naturalareas@gov.  St. Lunaire, Route 436 (B14) W: $$: Free.
        Researchers require a permit, see website.  DARK TICKLE CO. WILD BERRY
                                        ÉCONOMUSÉE FTYI42
        Eddies Cove, Route 430 (B11)    World’s only Économusée on the interpretation
                                        of wild berries. Observe them in their natural
        WATT’S POINT ECOLOGICAL RESERVE   habitat, watch products being made, and taste
        These calcareous barrens are unique,   them. Art and gift boutique. Boat tour. Season:
        supporting many rare species of plants not   Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 75 Main St. T: (709) 623 2354
        found elsewhere in Newfoundland. The   TF: (844) 999 2374 E:
        reserve may be accessed on foot from an   W: $$: Free. Guided tour $5.
        unmaintained road. No services. Season: Jan   Group rates available. CC: Debit, MC, PayPal,
        1–Dec 31 Loc: Abandoned Road off Route   V, e-Transfer.
        430 T: (709) 637 4066 E: naturalareas@gov. W: $$: Free.   DARK TICKLE EXPEDITIONS FTYI42
        Researchers require a permit, see website.  Icebergs, whales, dolphins, and seabird Zodiac
                                        tour. Explore the flora, fauna, and historical
                                        features of the underwater world via our ROV!

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