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1 Cottage, May 15–Nov 15 Loc: 2 Main Street 1 Vacation home, May 1–Sep 30 Loc: 38 Ocher
T: (709) 884 6144 E: marie@outportrealty. Pit Road T: (817) 454 4581 E: twillyhouse@
ca W: W: Description:
Description: This beautifully remodelled 2 Built in 1908, this 2-bedroom saltbox home
bed, 2 bath oceanfront cottage is situated on has enticing oceanfront views, complemented
the south island in the heart of Twillingate. by expansive windows. Experience reclaimed
Unobstructed views of scenic Twillingate wood walls combined with bright white
Harbour. Amenities: AC, BBQ, balcony/deck, palette with colourful accents. Amenities:
internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette, BBQ, balcony/deck, internet/wi-fi, iron/board,
laundry, private bath/ensuite, waterfront view. kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, no pets allowed
$$: $300–$450. CC: MC, e-Transfer. (service animals welcome), private bath/ensuite,
waterfront view. $$: $180–$250, weekly $1,400,
STORYTELLER’S RETREAT (VH) extended stay and off-season rates available.
1 Vacation home, May 1–Oct 30 Loc: 19 CC: MC, PayPal, V, e-Transfer.
Water Street T: (709) 884 2755 / 6590 E: info@ W: storytellersretreat. THE VIKING VACATION HOME (VH) FTI2
net Description: 4-bedroom, saltbox-style 1 Vacation home, Apr 1–Sep 30 Loc: 23A
vacation home with all the modern amenities Water Street T: (709) 893 2019 / (604) 740
of home. Overlooks the ocean, walking distance 1185 E: W:
to Crow’s Nest Cafe and the popular tourist Description:
attraction, Long Point Lighthouse. Amenities: Retreat to your private upscale 1-bedroom loft
BBQ, balcony/deck, cribs, fireplace, internet/ overlooking Iceberg Alley. Upon arrival enjoy a
wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, complimentary fresh fruit plate and absorb an
no pets allowed (service animals welcome), incredible sunset and sparkling icebergs if you
playground/play area, private bath/ensuite, are lucky! Amenities: Complimentary breakfast,
waterfront view. $$: $210–$290. CC: Debit, MC, cribs, gift shop/convenience store, internet/
V, e-Transfer. wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry,
private bath/ensuite, waterfront view. $$: $150.
SUNSHINE INN– CC: AE, MC, V, e-Transfer.
5 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 98 Main Street T: WATERFRONT HERITAGE (VH)
(709) 884 8477 E: info@twillingateandbeyond. 1 Vacation home, May 15–Oct 15 Loc: 56
com W: Description: Rejuvenate at Main Street T: (709) 884 7455 / 1477 E:
this award-winning harbourfront boutique Inn. W: toulinguetinn.
After a day of exploring, relax in the waterfront com Description: A waterfront century home
hot tub. Available to rent by the room or reserve overlooking historic Twillingate Harbour. Very
the entire inn for your group. Amenities: clean. Friendly service. Book a single room or
AC, BBQ, balcony/deck, business centre, the entire house. Amenities: BBQ, balcony/
complimentary breakfast, cribs, fireplace, gift deck, fireplace, internet/wi-fi, private bath/
shop/convenience store, hot tub, internet/ ensuite, waterfront view. $$: $100–$350. CC:
wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette, no pets MC, V.
allowed (service animals welcome), private
bath/ensuite, seniors’ rate, waterfront view. 4 Cabins, May 1–Oct 31 Loc: 115A Main
$$: $595–$725 (10 guests, contact for smaller Street T: (709) 290 9805 / 571 2509 E:
groups). CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. W:
TOULINGUET INN SUITES (S) Description: A unique
4 Suites, May 1–Oct 31 Loc: 54 Main Street T: Atlantic Ocean retreat located in the heart
(709) 884 7455 / 1477 E: toulinguet@outlook. of Twillingate. 4 elegant cottages in walking
com W: Description: distance of dinner theatre, brewery, boat
Waterfront mini suites. Very popular, newly tours, restaurants, and more. Amenities: BBQ,
renovated. View icebergs and fishing boats balcony/deck, cribs, internet/wi-fi, iron/board,
from rooms. Amenities: Balcony/deck, internet/ Jacuzzi, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, no pets
wi-fi, kitchen/kitchenette, private bath/ensuite, allowed (service animals welcome), waterfront
waterfront view. $$: $109–$179. CC: MC, V. view. $$: $169–$199. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
180 | For more info call 1-800-563-6353