Page 211 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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Hare Bay, Bonavista Bay, Route 320 (N19)  JOEY’S LOOK-OUT F
                                        Named for the province’s father of
        HARE BAY ADVENTURES FTYI2       Confederation, former Premier Joseph R.
        Specializing in wooden rowboat, hiking,   Smallwood, who was born in Gambo, the
        and fishing adventures, and campfire meals   lookout provides a picturesque view of the   Central
        on the beach. We have half-, full-, and multi-  town and the surrounding area. Season:
        day adventure packages. Custom tours   Apr 15–Nov 15 Loc: Route 1, 2 km west of
        available. Cap: 2-10 Season: Jan 1–Dec 31   Route 320 T: (709) 674 4476 / 4932 E: sedcor@
        Loc: 46 Main Street T: (709) 537 2028 / 424 W:
        3107 E: W: $$: See website. CC:   JOEY’S SCULPTURE F
        AE, Debit, MC, PayPal, V, e-Transfer.  This bronze sculpture of Joseph R. Smallwood
                                        is set amid boulders and creates the impression
        THE SHARK CO. F                 that Joey is rising up out of the ground to
        Join us for a day of shark fishing in northern   stand tall amid the people. Season: Jan 1–Dec
        Bonavista Bay. Once caught, the shark is   31 Loc: Village Green Heritage Site T: (709) 674
        tagged and released. Gear is provided.   4476 / 4932 E: W:   Attractions & Adventures
        Season: Jul 1–Oct 1 Loc: 46 Main Street T:
        (709) 424 7278 / 3107 E: thesharkco7@gmail.
        com $$: $750/day. CC: AE, Debit, MC, PayPal,   LOGGER’S MEMORIAL PARK F
        V, e-Transfer.                  Storyboards outline the history of logging in
                                        Gambo, exhibits demonstrate and explain the
                                        logging culture under 4 themes–the town,
                                        logging camps, river camps, and saw mills.
                                        Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Route 320 T: (709)
                                        674 4476 / 4932 E:
                                        SMALLWOOD INTERPRETATION CENTRE
                                        & KITTIWAKE COAST
                                        INFORMATION CENTRE F39
                                        Dedicated to Joey Smallwood and the history of
                                        Gambo, including its 9/11 story. Contains a gift
                                        shop, beautiful sitting area, waterfront picnic
                                        area, walking/hiking trail, and free wi-fi. Season:
                                        May 25–Sep 10 Loc: 13 Station Road T: (709) 674
                                        4342 / 4476 E: W:
                               CC: AE, Debit, MC, V.
        Gambo, Route 320 (N18)          SMALLWOOD TRAIL SYSTEM F
                                        Enjoy breathtaking scenery on 3 trails–
        CLAY COVE / DOMINION POINT MUNICIPAL   Middle Brook Trail, Gambo River Trail, and
        HERITAGE SITE AND WALKING TRAIL F  the Dominion Point Trail. Season: Jan 1–Dec
        A scenic picnic area in Clay Cove with walking   31 Loc: Route 320 T: (709) 674 4476 / 4932 E:
        trail to Municipal Heritage Site, Dolomon’s W: townofgambo.
        Point. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: Route 320 T:   com $$: Free.
        (709) 674 4476 E: lorne.greene@townofgambo.
        com W:          Glovertown, Route 310 (O19)
        A fun area for families with children. Features   THE JANES HOUSE F9
        a large splash pad, playground, outdoor   The museum records the heritage and
        swimming area, basketball, volleyball, and   culture of Glovertown and area. It includes
        picnic area. Located on the scenic Middle   resettlement from the islands of Bonavista
        Brook walking trail. Season: Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc:   Bay, boat building 1930–1960, and logging.
        484 J. R. Smallwood Boulevard T: (709) 674   Season: Jul 1–Aug 30 Loc: 11 Memorial Street
        4476 E: W:   T: (709) 533 3358 / 6004 E: dougchurchill420@ W: glovertownmuseum.wixsite.
                                        com/glovertownmuseum $$: Free.

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