Page 227 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 227
Spillars Cove Eastern
Your Eastern journey entitled “The New Founde Lande Trinity
starts here. Pageant.” Follow the actors and meander
the hilly streets, tucked away alleys, and
notable buildings, all while delving into
the history of the town and its Itinerary Find more itineraries, or create your own, at
significance to the province – presented
with a comedic twist of course. Then, Next, visit the root cellar capital of the
step back in time at the Green Family world – Elliston. Before refrigeration
Forge where you’ll witness the legacy of and electricity came to rural
six generations of blacksmiths. communities, root cellars kept food
from freezing in the winter and spoiling
Take a piece of the past home with you in the summer. Wander around and
as the Forge turns out items for various notice these wonders tucked away in
craft shops around town. In the evening, the hills. With over 100 still in working
grab a tasty bite at one of the local condition, they’re a feat of ingenuity
eateries before taking in a night of drama that have truly stood the test of time.
and comedy at the Rising Tide Theatre Continue on to the friendliest colony
on the wharf. of puffins on the island. Tame, but full
of excitement, you’ll be able to get
DAY 2 within feet of these adorable birds.
Hiking fans will fall in love with
the magnificent Skerwink Trail, an Now leap back in history to the summer
award-winning, 5.3-kilometre trail of 1497, when John Cabot sighted
that encircles Skerwink head. Film fans Bonavista (Oh Happy Sight) . At the tip
should head out to New Bonaventure of the peninsula you’ll find a town that
to visit the set of Random Passage, has been synonymous with the fishing
a miniseries depicting one woman’s industry for centuries. Experience
struggle to survive early outport life. rich fishing as you explore the Ryan
While in the area, hop on a boat tour Premises National Historic Site. Then
and explore the coast while keeping it’s a short drive to Cape Bonavista
an eye out for whales and seabirds. Provincial Historic Site to admire the
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