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Elliston, Route 238 (O22) ISLAND VIEW CABIN (C) F-
1 Cabin, May 14–Oct 14 Loc: 17 Farm Road T:
ANCHOR HOUSE ON THE BONAVISTA (709) 468 1422 / 4179 E: pamoldford@hotmail.
PENINSULA (VH) FTY com Description: Private, quiet 2-bedroom
1 Vacation home, May 15–Oct 15 Loc: 22A cabin located on an oceanfront property with Eastern
Coles Road T: (905) 751 5130 E: sharondnisbet@ an amazing view. Amenities: Balcony/deck, Description: Historic 3-bedroom internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette,
coastal home is newly restored and is located laundry, no pets allowed (service animals
in the quaint town of Elliston, 10 minutes from welcome), private bath/ensuite, waterfront
Bonavista. Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, gift view. $$: $140, pet $10, weekly rates available.
shop/convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/ CC: e-Transfer.
board, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, rooms
w/2 beds, waterfront view. $$: $190–$325, MEEMS’ ELLISTON B&B (B) FI-42
weekly $1,999. CC: e-Transfer. 4 Rooms, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 5 Catalina Road T: Accommodations
(709) 468 1338 / 4583 E: themeemsarabiansea@
3 Rooms, Jun 1–Oct 30 Loc: 27 Main Road Description: We offer spacious, clean, well-
T: (709) 468 5971 TF: (866) 346 2473 E: appointed rooms, a cozy homestyle stay, Description: perfect location, reasonable rates, and
Unobstructed coastal views. B&B turned healthy menu options. Close to the puffin
vacation home with 3 private entrance site, Sandy Cove Beach, and sealers museum.
accommodation options. Seaside deck. Puffin Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, business
site. Newly renovated. Minutes from Bonavista. centre, complimentary breakfast, electric car
Root Cellar Capital. Amenities: Balcony/deck, charging station, fireplace, fitness facilities, gift
electric car charging station, internet/wi-fi, shop/convenience store, Indigenous, internet/
kitchen/kitchenette, private bath/ensuite, wi-fi, iron/board, laundry, licenced dining,
waterfront view. $$: $150–$260, weekly rates playground/play area, private bath/ensuite,
available. CC: MC, V, e-Transfer.
rooms w/2 beds, shuttle service, waterfront
COLES VACATION HOME (VH) F view. $$: Single $90, double $150. CC: Debit,
1 Vacation Home, May 15–Oct 15 Loc: 4 MC, V, e-Transfer.
Ack’s Lane T: (709) 747 8078 E: lorna_coles@ MOUNTAIN RIDGE CABINS (C) F Description: Charming, historic 2 Cabins, May 15–Oct 15 Loc: 55 Catalina Road
3-bedroom home located in quiet setting with T: (709) 468 4764 E: mountainridgecabins@
ocean view. Steps to hiking trail, near puffin Description: Beautiful 1- and
viewing site, sandy beach, local restaurant, 2-bedroom cabins (sleeps 4) with ocean view
souvenir shops. 6 km from historic Bonavista. in front and mountain ridge behind. Beautiful
Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, fireplace, sandy beach, park, walking trails, and the
internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/kitchenette, famous puffin site nearby. Amenities: BBQ,
waterfront view. $$: Double $150, extra person balcony/deck, fireplace, internet/wi-fi, iron/
$10, weekly $900. CC: PayPal, e-Transfer.
board, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, no pets
ELLISTON VACATION HOMES (C) F allowed (service animals welcome), waterfront
2 Vacation homes, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 3–5 view. $$: 1-bedroom $130, 2-bedroom $150.
Trickems Road T: (709) 470 8533 / 468 CC: e-Transfer.
0375 E: ellistonvacationhomes@gmail. Bonavista, Route 230 (O22)
com Description: 2-bedroom homes 6 km
from Bonavista, provides access to amazing AGGIE’S B&B (B) F
experiences; puffins up close, root cellar 2 Rooms, May 24–Oct 31 Loc: 11 Old Quarry
exploration, sealing interpretation, whale Road T: (709) 476 2069 / (780) 915 7240 E:
watching, and walking trails. Amenities: AC, Description:
BBQ, balcony/deck, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, My home is located in a quiet area of Bonavista.
kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, private bath/ Only a 10 minute walk from downtown where
ensuite, waterfront view. $$: $179.99–$199.99, you can find eateries, historic sites, and boat
off-season rates available. CC: AE, Debit, MC, tours. Homemade breakfast. Amenities:
PayPal, V, e-Transfer. Balcony/deck, complimentary breakfast,
internet/wi-fi. $$: Double bed $120, queen bed
$130. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
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