Page 44 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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Your Western journey
starts here.
Western is full of stunning terrain and fascinating history with two UNESCO World
Heritage Sites. Stand where the Vikings stood over 1,000 years ago, or explore the
geological masterpiece that is Gros Morne National Park. Learn about the exciting
career of Captain James Cook, and then drive along the French Shore for a deliciously
musical experience. Then, feel free as a bird as you stare up at feathered friends on
the southwest coast.
Choose from over 100 kilometres
of trails for hikers and walkers of all
abilities and interests. Hike along
the moonscape called the Tablelands–
gigantic peridotite rocks that were
once part of the Earth’s mantle.
FESTIVALS, FOOTPATHS, Or choose Green Gardens, a more
AND FJORDS challenging trek through a boreal forest
leading to a fertile volcanic seacoast.
Start your western journey at the Now it’s back to Woody Point, a
natural wonder that is Gros Morne charming village with a Registered
National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage District full of quaint galleries,
Heritage Site. Pop into the Discovery craft boutiques, and restaurants with
Centre in Woody Point and get a brief mouthwatering local cuisine. Before
introduction to this earthly marvel. calling it a night, be sure to check
Then it’s time to lace up your shoes out some of the evening entertainment
for some unforgettable hiking. for a toe-tapping time.
42 | For more info call 1-800-563-6353