Page 87 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 87
Trout River, Route 431 (K6) ANCHOR DOWN (S)
3 Suites, May 1–Sep 30 Loc: 84 Pond Road T:
CROCKER CABINS (C) -3 (709) 458 2901 / 7523 E: info@theanchordown.
4 Cottages, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 57-61 Duke com W: Description:
Street T: (709) 451 3236 TF: (877) 951 3236 E: Nestled in Gros Morne National Park you can Western W: crockercabins. enjoy an array of activities and relaxation.
com Description: Located on a quiet, private Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, business
lot among the Tableland Mountains in Gros centre, cribs, internet/wi-fi, iron/board,
Morne National Park. Recommended by kitchen/kitchenette, no pets allowed (service
previous guests as a great place surrounded by animals welcome), private bath/ensuite. $$:
nature’s beauty. Extremely clean. Amenities: $149–$290. CC: AE, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
BBQ, balcony/deck, internet/wi-fi, iron/board,
kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, playground/play AUGUSTUS JANE INN (B) F32
area, private bath/ensuite. $$: $131.25–$151.60, 8 Rooms, May 1–Oct 31 Loc: 19 Main Accommodations
extra person $17.25, children (under 12) free. Street South T: (709) 458 4100 / 215
Taxes included. CC: MC, V, e-Transfer. 1248 E: W: Description: An
OCEAN BREEZE TOURIST HOME (TH) F- unforgettable sunset just outside your
1 Room, May 1–Sep 30 Loc: 232 Main Street T: (709) window. Walking distance to stores, bank,
451 5481 / 3104 E: oceanbreezetroutriver@gmail. restaurants, and trails. Near the waterfront.
com W: Description: Newly Amenities: AC, balcony/deck, complimentary
renovated, oceanfront saltbox house. Located breakfast, fireplace, internet/wi-fi, iron/board,
in scenic Trout River and surrounded by Gros jacuzzi, meeting facilities, no pets allowed
Morne National Park. Offering all the amenities (service animals welcome), private bath/
one may need to make their stay unforgettable. ensuite, rooms w/2 beds, shuttle service,
Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, cribs, fireplace, gift waterfront view. $$: $179.99–$264.99. CC:
shop/convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
jacuzzi, kitchen/kitchenette, laundry, playground/
play area, private bath/ensuite, waterfront view. $$: BAMBURY’S HILLSIDE CHALETS (C) 3
$100. CC: e-Transfer. 5 Cottages, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 41–45 Old
Cove Road T: (709) 458 7345 / 2907 E:
4 Rooms, May 1–Oct 31 Loc: 1 Sheppards Lane Description: Top ranking
T: (709) 451 7590 / 636 4720 E: tomanddoris@ accommodations on TripAdvisor and Booking. W: Description: com for Gros Morne National Park. Vibrantly-
New home over-looking Trout River, near coloured chalets with an ocean and mountain
Tableland Mountains in Gros Morne National view, peaceful surroundings, and private deck.
Park. Host will entertain with stories and Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, cribs, fireplace,
music. Amenities: AC, BBQ, balcony/deck, internet/wi-fi, kitchen/kitchenette, no pets
complimentary breakfast, fireplace, gift shop/ allowed (service animals welcome), private
convenience store, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, bath/ensuite, rooms w/2 beds, waterfront view.
laundry, no pets allowed (service animals $$: $159–$349. CC: AE, Debit, MC, PayPal, V.
welcome), playground/play area, private bath/
ensuite, rooms w/2 beds, shuttle service. $$: BAYSIDE COTTAGES (C)
$120–$130, extra person $25, off-season rates 11 Cottages, May 1–Nov 30 Loc: Route
available. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer. 430 T: (709) 458 2749 TF: (800) 458 2749 E:
Rocky Harbour, Route 430 (K7)
W: Description:
ALDERBED COTTAGES INC. (C) 3 Beautifully-designed efficiency units. Ocean
5 Cottages, Jan 1–Dec 31 Loc: 11-13 Pond Road and Gros Morne Mountain view. Everything at
T: (709) 458 8455 / 8314 E: boyd.alderbed@gmail. your fingertips. Fully-equipped. Close to hiking
com W: Description: 1-, 2-, and trails and boat tours. 45 minutes from airport.
3-bedroom fully-equipped cottages located in Amenities: BBQ, balcony/deck, internet/wi-fi,
the centre of Gros Morne National Park. Near kitchen/kitchenette, playground/play area,
the ocean with beautiful sunsets. Smoke- private bath/ensuite, waterfront view. $$:
free. Amenities: AC, BBQ, balcony/deck, cribs, $159–$179. CC: MC, V.
fireplace, internet/wi-fi, iron/board, kitchen/
kitchenette, laundry, private bath/ensuite. $$:
$159–$399. CC: Debit, MC, V, e-Transfer.
Visit | 85