P. 124
[Example 3 - Your abstract should be one paragraph with no indentation. ABSTRACT begins as close to 2 inches
from the top of the page as the font and page numbering will allow. Left margin is set at 1.5” ]
Title of Dissertation Full Title of Your Dissertation with Initial Caps and
Using Single Space for between the Lines of the
Name: Your Full Official University Name
Institution: Bowie State University
Dissertation Chaired by FirstName Last Name, Terminal degree
Department of ______________________
An abstract provides a succinct description of your study. The abstract is double-spaced.
Traditionally, the abstract is 150 to 250 words, and it is often presented in a single
paragraph. Although some abstracts are as long as 350 words, aim to restrict your abstract
to one page. If the abstract is longer than 350 words, it will be cut arbitrarily at the word
limit, and so published in Dissertation Abstracts International. There are four parts of the
abstract. The first part sets out the purpose of your investigation. It outlines your primary
objectives or the hypothesis of your inquiry. The second part presents your methodology.
The third part offers an overview of your observations or a summary of your data
collection. The conclusion reports the implications of your results, and it states if your
study’s hypothesis was correct or effective. Use the present tense to address results and
conclusions. Use past tense for methods. Avoid the future tense. Present your work, do
not comment on it.